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Chemistry Objectives – 10/4/2019

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1 Chemistry Objectives – 10/4/2019
1.1 Safely use laboratory equipment and techniques when conducting scientific investigations Homework: Study for safety quiz

2 The following video is an example of the bad things that can happen when proper safety is not followed You should understand the consequences prior to performing any experiment DON’T BE STUPID


4 Safety in the Laboratory
The chemistry laboratory is a place to experiment and learn. You must assume responsibility for your own personal safety and that of people working near you. Accidents are usually caused by carelessness, but you can help prevent them by closely following the instructions printed in this manual and those given to you by your teacher. The following are some safety rules to help guide you in protecting yourself and others from injury in a laboratory.

5 Safety in the laboratory
Read safety rules Must be able to answer a True/False question for any rule. “Can you or can’t you do …?” Example: T/F Can you wear sandals in the laboratory

6 Tomorrow’s activities after the safety quiz


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