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David Gilmore & Richard Blevins Senior Consultants April 17th, 2012

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1 David Gilmore & Richard Blevins Senior Consultants April 17th, 2012
Project Kick-Off: Banner Operational Data Store and Banner Electronic Data Warehouse David Gilmore & Richard Blevins Senior Consultants April 17th, 2012

2 Introduction & Agenda Introduction Agenda The “Big Picture”
Banner Operational Data Store’s (Banner ODS) Role Banner Electronic Data Warehouse’s (Banner EDW) Role Banner ODS Concepts Banner EDW Concepts ODS & EDW Administrator Technical Support Comments and Questions

3 The “Big Picture” Business Intelligence (BI)

4 What is Business Intelligence?
Business intelligence is essentially timely, accurate, high-value, and actionable insights, and the work processes and technologies used to obtain them. Scheps, Swain. Business Intelligence for Dummies. Indianapolis: Wiley, Print.

5 BI Definition - Significant Points
Timely – Allowing sufficient time for proactive action Accurate – Logically supporting insights or decisions High-Value – Nontrivial and worthy of reporting effort Actionable – Having an outcome susceptible to outcome-changing influence NOTE: Technology NOT required!!

6 Is this BI? Timely? Maybe! Banner Legacy Microsoft Excel Other System

7 Is this BI? Timely, but efficient? Banner Legacy Other System

8 What is Ellucian’s basic BI architecture?
Data Warehouse Banner Legacy Other System Other System

9 What is AHC’s basic BI architecture?
Data Warehouse Banner Legacy Other System Other System

10 Significant Architectural Points
Minimizes impact of reporting on transactional system performance Promotes more consistent reporting results Supports most reporting tools Minimizes impact of transactional system maintenance Promotes a single version of the truth Promotes efficient collection of data Supports data formats, e.g. historical or aggregated, valuable for reporting but not transactional processing Supports static data retention, i.e. data freezes or snapshots

11 The BI Roles: Banner ODS & Banner EDW

12 Narrowing Our Focus Data Warehouse Banner Legacy Other System

13 Data Flow – Basic Overview
Banner Database Data Warehouse Database Oracle Streams Banner Tables Staging ODS EDW ETL ETL

14 Banner Operational Data Store (Banner ODS)
Some Terminology Banner Operational Data Store (Banner ODS) Ellucian’s core data warehouse product Mostly Oracle code (SQL & PL/SQL) development Primary design purpose is the extraction of Banner ERP data, the transformation of that data and the ultimate storage of that transformed data to support short-term, operational reporting needs, including ad-hoc querying Primary feature is a set of reporting views formatted especially for reporting Although data freezes are supported, most data is dynamic

15 Banner Electronic Data Warehouse (Banner EDW)
Some Terminology Banner Electronic Data Warehouse (Banner EDW) Banner ODS add-on Also primarily composed of Oracle code (SQL & PL/SQL) development Primary design purpose is the extraction of Banner ODS data, the transformation of that data and the ultimate storage of that transformed data to support long-term, strategic reporting needs, including online analytical processing (OLAP) Most data is static and captured on significant events, e.g. census date or end of fiscal year

16 Extract, Transform & Load (ETL)
Some Terminology Oracle Streams Built-in feature of the Oracle database Data replication and integration feature Enables the near real-time propagation of data, transactions and events from one database to another Extract, Transform & Load (ETL) Entire process of extracting data from a source system and ultimately loading it into a target system Three steps are not well-defined nor do they need to maintain any specific order of occurrence Includes any Oracle objects or code used to perform the process

17 Data Flow – Basic Overview
Banner Database Data Warehouse Database Oracle Streams Banner Tables Staging ODS EDW ETL ETL

18 Extract, Transform & Load (ETL)
Important Points Oracle Streams Near real-time No transformation Extract, Transform & Load (ETL) On demand or scheduled by ODS Administrator Three types for ODS: complete load, partial reload or refresh Two types for EDW: capture snapshot with and without replace Also known as load mappings or load jobs Partial reloads are required when setup changes are made to the ODS or when large amounts of data need to be loaded

19 Banner ODS & EDW Concepts

20 Data Warehouse Database
ODS & EDW Extensions Banner Database Data Warehouse Database Oracle Streams EDW Banner Tables Staging ODS ETL ETL AHC Ext. AHC Ext. AHC Ext.

21 Data Flow – Basic Overview
Banner ODS Composite Tables Security and Display Rules Reporting Views

22 Important Points Reporting Views
All reporting views owned by one of two Oracle users, ODSMGR or ODSLOV ODSLOV owns only list-of-value (LOV) views LOV views contain Banner validation table values and some Banner rule values Some reporting views have a slotted version Slotted views present multiple rows of data as a single row by having additional columns called slots

23 Important Points Display Rules Two types: positional and hierarchical
Positional rules used for most slotted reporting views to control selection of data presented in slotted reporting view slots Hierarchical rules used for some address reporting views to control the order in which address types are selected and returned for a entity, similar to Banner address selection rules in Job Submission jobs

24 Banner ODS & EDW Administrator Support

25 Support Tasks Security and display rule setup and maintenance Data freeze setup and maintenance Metadata maintenance Run or schedule ETL mappings or jobs Run and evaluate jobs monitoring the “health” of the Banner ODS system Run and evaluate data reconciliation reports to ensure accuracy of the ODS system data Monitor jobs control reports, i.e. logs, for warnings or errors

26 Troubleshooting Why is my transactional system data different than my Banner ODS system data? Timing of data refresh Differing FGAC or other security settings between transactional system and Banner Inconsistent Banner Job Submission address selection rule and Banner ODS display rule Streams stopped Error in load mapping/job

27 Additional Information

28 Reference Materials Banner Operational Data Store Handbook Banner Operational Data Store Release Guide Banner Operational Data Store Installation Guide Banner Operational Data Store Upgrade Guide GTVSDAX Handbook

29 Comments/Questions?

30 Thank You! David Gilmore Richard J. Blevins

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