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Welcome to Orientation

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1 Welcome to Orientation
Class XI Session

2 Former Principal & Current Senior Education Advisor
Ms. Madhulika Sen Former Principal & Current Senior Education Advisor

3 Ms. Gauri Sen Ms. Vibha Vijay Dr. Remy Kaul
(Physics) Ms. Vibha Vijay ( Chemistry) Dr. Remy Kaul ( Biology)

4 Mr.Vinod Ranjan Ms. Manpreet Kaur Ms. Sameera
( Physics) Ms. Manpreet Kaur ( Accountancy& B St.) Ms. Sameera ( Economics)

5 Ms. Komal Pandey Ms. Yachana ( Psychology) ( History) (Geography)
Ms. Anuradha Arora (Geography)

6 Ms. Maitreyi Bhattacharya Ms. Vandana Sen Ms. Misha
(Pol. Science) Ms. Vandana Sen (Chemistry) Ms. Misha (Home Sc.)

7 Ms. Ruby (Comp. Science) Ms. Sudakshana ( English) Ms.Ritika Mehrotra ( English)


9 Examination Pattern The students will be assessed regularly through :
WEEKLY TESTS (AS A PART OF UNIT – I & II) CLASS TESTS HALF YEARLY EXAMINATION AND FINAL EXAMINATION. Each round of tests is important. Regularity in tests/ exams is a must for the students. The final assessment will be based on the following- Exam/ Test Unit –I Half Yearly Unit- II Final Final Assessment Month July- Aug September Nov- Dec Feb Marks 100 25%(Unit-I, Half Yearly & Unit-II) + 75% (Final)

10 PROMOTION POLICY In order to be promoted to Class XII, a student requires to score a minimum of 33% marks in each subject individually. It is mandatory for a student to pass separately in Theory and Practical Exams. In case the student fails in one subject in Final Assessment, it will be treated as Compartment and will be given ONE CHANCE to clear that paper. In case the student fails in more than one subject, she/ he will be detained in class XI. In case the student fails in the compartment exam, she/he will be detained in class XI.

11 Additional Subject Rule & Change of stream/ subject
In case any student wants to take additional subject ( sixth subject), he/ she has to study it on his/her own. They will have to secure passing marks in Half Yearly and Final Examinations to be eligible to pursue the subject in Class XII. No change of subject or stream will be allowed after July. Change will be allowed on request till Tuesday 30 July only if required grades have been scored by the student for the stream/ subject option.

There will be a component of Internal Assessment/ Project Work/ Practical in all subjects of at least 20 marks. The main paper in Languages, Mathematics, Political Science will be of 80 marks. Already a component of Practical is there in subjects like History, Business Studies, Economics, Accountancy, Home Science, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Psychology, Painting, Computer Science and Geography. The main paper for all subjects will comprise of Objective and Subjective parts. Objective type including MCQs will be of about 25% marks & Subjective type will be of about 75% marks. Duration of the papers will be 3 hours for each paper except for Painting for which it will be 2 hours

It comprises of two components- Periodic Test : 10 marks Mathematics Activities : 10 marks

The Final Examination will be based on the complete syllabus. The question papers will be based on the Board pattern and as per the CBSE syllabus . Students are therefore advised to visit CBSE websites: and for latest updates , syllabus and sample papers.

15 Students must not resort to any unfair means in any test or examination.
If they do so, they will be awarded zero in the respective subject, be suspended for a week and not be allowed to appear for the rest of the papers .

16 How to prepare? NCERT is your Bible. Written practice. Regular study habit Keep away your mobile when you are studying

17 Online resources Math, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, C Sc. Math, Physics, Chemistry & Biology Math, Physics, Chemistry & Biology Commerce Humanities Humanities


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