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Scratch Art Animals Art II – Mrs. Senick.

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Presentation on theme: "Scratch Art Animals Art II – Mrs. Senick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scratch Art Animals Art II – Mrs. Senick

2 Value refers to the use of lightness and darkness in a piece of artwork. "Value" is sometimes referred to as "tone". When painting, tones can be created by adding gray to your paint. Value

3 Texture is defined as the surface characteristics of a material that can be experienced through the sense of touch or the illusion of touch. What is the difference between real texture and implied texture? Real texture is the actual, genuine piece Implied texture is a copy, drawing, painting, etc. of the real piece Texture

4 How are value and texture used?

5 How are value and texture used?

6 Scratchboard is a wooden panel coated with a layer of white clay and then sprayed with a layer of black India ink. What is Scratch Art?

7 Examples

8 You will be using one of the three animals that you chose to create your own scratch art creation.
Your animal will take up the entire space of your paper that is given to you. We will work backward with this, so pay attention! So, what are WE doing?

9 How? We’re going to begin with some techniques first.
Name two value shading techniques that you see here.

10 Great! Now, safety before we begin.

11 Ready? Begin with hatching techniques.
Use just a small portion of the page and show me a value shading scale from dark to light. Ready?

12 Next! Use cross-hatching techniques.
Use just a small portion of the page and show me a value shading scale from dark to light. Next!

13 Create a sphere using hatching techniques.
Try something new…

14 Was yours close to this?

15 Create a sphere using cross-hatching techniques
Try something else…

16 Was yours close to this?

17 Choose one of the following items to create on your scratch board.
You may choose to try more than one.. But you need at least one! Last, but not least… An apple An eyeball A feather

18 How do you feel?

19 Your assignment Choose ONE of the animals that you printed. If you did not print one, you will be choosing one from my options. Complete a rough draft sketch of your animal. You may transfer this sketch onto your scratchboard if you like Transfer your animal to your scratch board paper Create a scratch board animal!

20 Guidelines: Use a good portion of your paper / scratchboard
Texture must be incorporated into your scratchboard by using a combination of hatching, cross-hatching, and stippling marks Make sure to integrate value (light and dark areas) for dynamic contrast Guidelines:

21 Grading Rubric

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