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Multi-hyperons in p-p events X- X+ X(1530)0 X(1530)0 W- W+

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Presentation on theme: "Multi-hyperons in p-p events X- X+ X(1530)0 X(1530)0 W- W+"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multi-hyperons in p-p events X- X+ X(1530)0 X(1530)0 W- W+
Tome Anticic Kreso Kadija Tatjana Susa Vedran Nikolic 1996 1.03 M 1999 1.21 M Rudjer Boskovic Institute Zagreb, Croatia 2000 2.67 M 2001 0.67 M 2002 2.84 M NA49 collaboration meting, Krakow, 2008

2 Data corrected with millepede Main vertex with improved method
X signal 13 parameter fitter 3 MeV/bin Data corrected with millepede Main vertex with improved method about 3800 X- about 1200 X+

3 X cuts X cuts X p p all tracks need at least 8 VTPC points
Lrap < -1.0 |Lim | < 8 MeV (by/0.5)2 + (bx)2 < 12 -1.0 < Lrap < -0.5 |Lim | < 12 MeV X -0.5 < Lrap < 0.5 |Lim | < 18 MeV (pby/0.2)2 + (pbx/0.4)2 > 0.5 2 0.5 < Lrap |Lim | < 20 MeV p proton Xrap < -1.75 zX - zmain < 0 cm -1.75< Xrap < 0.75 zX - zmain < 5 cm p 0.75 < Xrap < 1.25 zX - zmain < 12 cm 1.25 < XXap zX - zmain < 20 cm all tracks need at least 8 VTPC points Spectra with minmal cuts: 5 cm vertex 20 MeV around L mass No impact cuts all tracks are +- 3 s (dE/dX) Rejected spectra due to above cuts

4 Includes contribution of neutral lambda decay
X acceptance Includes contribution of neutral lambda decay

5 X- signal- rapidity mb mb rapidity pt

6 X- signal,error and temperature
Rapidity Signal (mb) Statistical error Systematic error Temperature (MeV) Error -1.5 0.0160 0.0022 0.0009 -1.0 0.0229 0.0014 0.0004 152 3 -0.5 0.0298 0.0012 0.0006 169 0.0 0.0333 0.0013 0.0005 155 0.5 0.0308 0.0015 170 4 1.0 0.0225 0.0019 5 1.5 0.0145 0.0039

7 X- cross section s= mb Venus

8 X- signal- inv. xf

9 X- signal- xf

10 X+ - rapidity mb mb rapidity pt

11 X+ signal and temperature
Rapidity Signal (mb) Statistical error Systematic error Temperature (MeV) Error -1.5 0.0012 -1.0 -0.5 133 3 0.0 147 4 0.5 129 1.0 0.0056 0.0011 0.0003

12 Rapidity- data and Venus
X+ – cross section mb s= mb Rapidity- data and Venus Venus

13 X+ - inv xf mb mb

14 X+ - xf

15 Prim track selection: D c2 < 0.5 between ttrack and rtrack
X(1530)0 2.5 MeV binning About 550 X(1530)0 selection: +- 6 MeV around Xmass if Xrap < 0.25, MeV otherwise Prim track selection: D c2 < 0.5 between ttrack and rtrack

16 X(1530)0 T =

17 X(1530)0 signal and temperature
Rapidity Signal (mb) Statistical error Systematic error -1.0 0.0050 0.0012 0.0005 -0.5 0.0066 0.0010 0.0006 0.0 0.0083 0.5 0.0059 0.0011 1.0 0.0049 0.0015

18 X(1530)0 cross section s= mb Venus

19 X(1530)0 xf and inv. xf Invariant xf xf

20 Central rapidity only +- 0.25
X(1530)0 Central rapidity only scentralrap= mb

21 DATA(after all other cuts)
W : additional cuts zW - zmain > 12 cm DATA(after all other cuts) MC Rap = -0.5 Ptot of Kaon candidate Ptot of Kaon

22 Asymetric dedx cut on Kaon (pion main contaminant)
W: additional cuts II Asymetric dedx cut on Kaon (pion main contaminant) Rap = -0.5 Rap = 0 Rap = 0.5

23 Inv mass W- Rap = -0.5 Rap = 0.0 Rap = 0.5 about 70 W-

24 W- pt only 1 rap bin, from -1.25 to 1.25 Invariant xf T = 163 +- 4

25 W- -0.5 0.0 0.5 Rapidity Signal (mb) Statistical error
Systematic error -0.5 0.0 0.5

26 W- s= mb Invariant xf Venus

27 W- inv. Xf and xf Invariant xf xf

28 W+ scentralrap= mb

29 Things to come Things to be in the next paper:
singly strange hyperon paper- L, L(1520), S(1385) What about K*, Ks ? pA also worked on in parallel

30 L new pt and rapidity acceptance
previous rap range up to pt at midrap previous pt range up to 1.35 GeV pt = 1.5 GeV pt = 1.7 GeV all L pt = 1.9 GeV pt = 2.1 GeV rap = - 2.0

31 More hyperons L(1520)

32 S(1385)+ -> L p+ S(1385)- -> L p-
Width ~ 38 MeV

33 S(1385)+, S(1385)- ~ 4000 ~ 6000

34 S(1385)+ _ Rap -1.0 Rap -1.5 Rap -0.5 Rap 0.0

35 S(1385)+ _ Rap 0.5 Rap 1.0 Rap 1.5

36 S(1385)+/- counts, ratios (NO ERRORS, NO MC CORRECTION FACTOR)

37 S(1385)+ pt 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.9 1.1 0.7

38 S(1385)+ pt 1.3 1.5

39 S(1385)+ , S(1385)-

40 Backup slides

41 Omega II DATA MC Impact of Omega Impact of Kaon
(Wby/0.5)2 + (Wbx)2 < 12 Impact of Kaon (Kby/0.2)2 + (Kbx/0.4)2 > 0.5 2

42 Inv mass W- Rap = 0.0 Rap = -1.0 Rap = 0.5 Rap = -0.5 Rap = 1.0

43 Omega/AntiOmega cuts (same)
DATA MC Rap = -1 Rap = -0.5 Ptot of Kaon

44 Inv mass W+

45 X spectra in the 1999 data set
new X- old X-

46 aomega

47 Experimental data using Gap TPC
S4 trigger effect Min bias Venus events Experimental data using Gap TPC

48 X reconstruction correction factors
improved R3D/main vertex/ X finder/ geometry standard R3D/main vertex/ X finder/ geometry The correction factors include the loss due to neutral L decays, as well as the loss due to 18 cm cut from the 20 cm target

49 New residuals, new impact parameters
new L forward rap. (1999 data) Impact parameter in x Impact parameter in y old L forward rap.

50 Cross section determination
weight = gTriggerCS(year)*nMcOrig/nMcRec/nPPEvents nPPEvents=nFullEvents*(1.-rateEmpty/rateFull)

51 Gauss main vertex fit R3D main vertex accuracy
Gauss main vertex accuracy R3D main vertex accuracy vs track number Comparison Gauss main vertex accuracy vs track number Gauss significantly better Mean closer to zero RMS better by 30 % Much smaller tails

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