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William Penn October 14, 1644 - July 30, 1718.

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Presentation on theme: "William Penn October 14, 1644 - July 30, 1718."— Presentation transcript:

1 William Penn October 14, July 30, 1718

2 Ahead of His Time His democratic principles served as an inspiration for the US Constitution.

3 Religious Beliefs Joined the religious group “Society of Friends” or Quakers They refused to take up arms They refused to bow or take off their hats to any man They refused to swear on oath of loyalty to the king

4 Religious Beliefs “Those who will not be ruled by God will be ruled by tyrants.” - William Penn

5 Father Admiral Sir William Penn An Admiral in the Navy
His religious views were extremely distressing to his father

6 Persecution Religious views exiled him from English Society
Expelled from the church and arrested several times

7 Famous trial Arrested for preaching before a Quaker gathering
Asked to see the charges against him – refused Even though it was his right Even with heavy pressure from Lord Mayer – he was found ‘Not guilty.”

8 Famous trial He was jailed for contempt of court
Also the full jury was jailed!!! The persecution became so fierce that he decided to find a new settlement in North America

9 PA He received the land from King Charles II
He was probably glad to have him and the Quakers far away from England

10 Charter of Liberties Drafted by Penn
Guaranteed a free & fair trial Freedom of religion Freedom of unjust imprisonment Free elections – representatives of the people Separation of powers Formed the basis of the US Constitution

11 Complete freedom of religion
Brought in: English, German, Dutch, French, Mennonites, Amish, & Lutherans

12 Native Americans Penn Learned several dialects Befriended locals
Paid for their lands Fair laws – if a European did an Indian wrong there would be a fair trial with equal people from both groups Indians in PA remained at peace longer than any other English colony

13 Later years Penn wished to settle in Philadelphia, but financial problems forced him back to England in 1701 Stroke in 1712 Died in 1718 Buried in Buckinghamshire, England

14 Philadelphia A statue of William Penn sits atop the City Hall Building
Gentleman’s agreement – no building should be higher than Penn’s statue William Penn is NOT on the Quaker Oats boxes

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