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Feb. 8, 2019 You need: Clean paper / Pencil

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Presentation on theme: "Feb. 8, 2019 You need: Clean paper / Pencil"— Presentation transcript:

1 Feb. 8, 2019 You need: Clean paper / Pencil Respiratory notes – should be done Warm Up: What is the function of the respiratory system? I CAN: identify the parts and function of the respiratory system and reasons for care.

2 What does it do for us? REVIEW Our circulatory system…
Delivers necessary materials (like oxygen and sugar) to the entire body in the blood, Removes waste products from cells, and Helps fight disease by transporting immune cells in the blood.

3 Heart labels REVIEW Sup. Vena Cava AORTA To LUNGS To LUNGS Left
Atrium Right atrium From LUNGS From LUNGS Right Ventricle Left Ventricle Inf. Vena Cava

4 So what happens if you don’t take care of your circulatory system?
REVIEW So what happens if you don’t take care of your circulatory system? Not enough good stuff to your body Build up of bad stuff in your body Heart Attack! (about 20 min- youtube video linked) Watched Thursday...

REVIEW - Breathe in and out… What is the RESPIRATORY SYSTEM? The system of the body that deals with BREATHING. It consists of the NOSE, PHARYNX, TRACHEA, BRONCHIAL TUBES, and LUNGS.

6 What is the FUNCTION of the Respiratory System?
REVIEW - Breathe in and out… What is the FUNCTION of the Respiratory System? To DELIVER OXYGEN to the body. To REMOVE CARBON DIOXIDE from the body.

7 Teen files video Smoking: Truth or Dare video
To be watched on Friday! Click here to reach the youtube video. Students will need to answer the questions on the worksheet as they watch. The video is on youtube. It’s listed as being an hour, but it really is done by about 53 min (or less). The video is NOT a mandatory part of our curriculum, but it has good information and can keep them engaged (or mostly so) for almost an hour.

8 Quiz – as time allows If time allows (or if students are not engaged in the video and you need to switch to another activity), you can give a quiz. We’ve learned about the digestive, excretory, circulatory, and respiratory systems – all are included on the quiz. 34 questions – so you may need quite a bit of time…but it can be taken up and given again on Monday.

9 4th period only 4th needs to hear/see the afternoon announcements. I’ve asked Destiny B and Muntasir to help with the computer as needed. Link to the announcements here – or use a google window to open.

10 Are there any questions?

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