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Photography Notebook Welcome to my

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Presentation on theme: "Photography Notebook Welcome to my"— Presentation transcript:

1 Photography Notebook Welcome to my
Directions: Click on the words in second slide to link to a visual example and a definition of word. Created by: B.Schimara, Laura Negri- 2005: Alief ISD

2 Depth of Field Framing Candid Shot Dominant/ Subordinate Elements Leading Lines Mood/Emotion Reflections Simplicity Eye Level Group Shot Repetition of lines or shapes Still Life Angles Fill the Frame Portrait Contrast Texture Tone Shadows or Silhouette Turn the camera Action Shot Rule of Thirds

3 Framing Framing is when there is something around the subject which frames it.

4 Fill the Frame Have the subject take up the space in the photograph. You do not have to get the entire subject, sometimes partial gives a better perspective. HOME

5 Shoot Eye Level Get at the level of your subject. If your subject is on the ground, you should be at a low/ground level also. HOME

6 Leading Lines/Looks Leading lines or looks draw the eyes to a particular place in the photo and gives an illusion of depth HOME

7 Depth of Field Creates an illusion of depth. Sometimes are blurred in the background or foreground to draw attention to the subject. HOME

8 Angles Choose an angel which is higher, lower, or to one side of the subject, not straight on. HOME

9 Shadows/Silhouette Use of shadows such as below
or silhouettes like the photo to right can add to composition HOME

10 Mood/Emotion Capture the emotion or mood of the moment. Sometimes a photo can tell more than if a person tries explaining it. HOME

11 Group Shot Group shots have 3 or more people in it. When taking a group shot, focus on the center and make sure to get close enough to your subjects to see their faces. HOME

12 Turn the Camera Not all photos should be horizontal. If the subject is vertical, TURN THE CAMERA! HOME

13 Candid Shot Catches the subject by surprise or when they are not looking at the camera. This is opposite of a posed shot or also called unposed. HOME

14 Reflections This is where the subject is reflected either in a
mirror or off the water & makes for good composition. HOME

15 Repetition of Lines or Shapes
Draws attention to that particular part of the photo and looks good visually. HOME

16 Contrast-Texture-Tone
Gives dimension to photo. Contrast is difference between dark blacks and light whites with the different shades in between. HOME

17 Action Shot Gives an idea of motion, action taking place or movement and helps the photo to be less boring. HOME

18 Dominant/Subordinate Elements
Dominant element is the most important & where the focus lies. The subordinate element(s) are not main center of focus. HOME

19 Simplicity Shots which are simplistic in nature can capture a mood or unique element of the photo. HOME

20 Still Life Photos of objects, scenery, etc. They are inanimate objects. This is not of people or animals. HOME

21 Portrait This portrait shot is taken with purpose. Models often “pose” for portraits. They are not just snap shots. HOME

22 Rule of Thirds Divide the frame into 1/3’s vertically & horizontally (make a tic-tac-toe grid) & place subject on one of intersections. Do NOT place subject in center! HOME

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