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Word of the Day Words for Macbeth Set 6.

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1 Word of the Day Words for Macbeth Set 6

2 Tragedy (Noun) A play dealing with tragic events and having an unhappy ending, especially one concerning the downfall or death of the main character.

3 Apparition (Noun) A supernatural appeara nce of a person or thing, especially a ghost

4 Soliloquy (Noun) A speech in a play that the character speaks to himself or herself or to the people watching rather than to the other characters.

5 Paradox (Noun) A situation or statement that seems impossible or is difficult to understand because it contains two opposite facts or characteristics.

6 Aside (Noun) When a character's dialogue is spoken but not heard by other actors on-stage; gives audience special information about other characters or plot.

7 Genre (Noun) A type of art, literature, or music characterized by a specific form, content, and style.

8 Archetypes (Noun) A typical character, an action, or a situation that seems to represent universal patterns of human nature.

9 Tragic Flaw (Noun) The character defect that causes the downfall of the protagonist of a tragedy.

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