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What MyPathway has meant to Sheffield:

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1 What MyPathway has meant to Sheffield:
24,000 patients have been invited to sign up to MyPathway in STH 44% of all MSK patients (including non-digital) have taken the digital pathway option since April 2017, 400 new signups/week 40% cost reductions have been realised admin / patient processing / postage costs by the SPoA PROM / PREM info (improved out-of-clinic response rates from <2% to 35% at no cost) 53% of patients who have registered over the last 4 weeks have completed an EQ5D digitally 66% of new patients are processed administratively in 1 day (previously 7 days). Average 58 patients in the administrative booking process, (previously 641 patients) Patient’s MyPathway timeline – indicating that a referral has been received by the service Commercial in Confidence

2 How MyPathway could support you:
Immediate, automated patient engagement on referral Keep the patient informed and engaged each step of the way Editable rules control automatic push of self-management resources to patients based on clinical codes, events, etc. Multi-language video resources Automated request & completion of pre-operative / pre-appointment PROMs, PREMS, questionnaires, as specified Advise patients on the location of community appointments Reminders to have blood tests, etc. before appointment Ad hoc surveys can adapt to specific circumstances Can support Virtual Clinics Commercial in Confidence

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