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Preparation for Health Sciences

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Presentation on theme: "Preparation for Health Sciences"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparation for Health Sciences
June 3, 2019 Hoda Atwa Melanie Farquhar

2 Agenda Overview of PHS Beyond the courses Stories of determination
Classroom environment Success Strategies Creating bonds Celebrating success Panel questions Wrap up

3 What is PHS? Package of 4 courses 30 students/class
chemistry, biology, math, Success Strategies 30 students/class 2 classes run simultaneously Provides students with prerequisites for many health sciences college programs

4 What is PHS? Encourages learning through
lectures group work self reflection labs games Helps students develop skills to become successful adult learners

5 Admission Requirements
Age 19 years or older Require at least two of the three prerequisite courses for post-secondary health sciences programs (biology, chemistry and math) Meet the College English admission requirement

6 Dates and Times fall and winter intake 16 weeks 24 hours/week
9am – 4pm No class on Wed 2 – 3 hours of homework/night Course Hours/week Biology 8 Chemistry Math 4 Success Strategies

7 Sample Schedule Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9 – 10
Math Science 10 – 11 Lunch 12 - 1 Success Strategies 1 - 2 2 - 3 3 - 4

8 PHS is MORE than just a package of courses!

9 PHS Includes: Stories of determination Classroom environment
Success Strategies Creating bonds Celebrating success

10 Stories of Determination

11 Classroom Environment

12 Activity 1: What is your ideal classroom environment ?
Discuss in your group what your ideal classroom will look like. Focus on the classroom environment and your expectations for your classmates and your teachers? Please use the post it notes provided to share your thoughts for each of the three categories. Post your answers on the board. We will discuss the results as a class in 15 minutes.

13 Classroom Rules and Expectations
Respect for Teachers and Fellow Students Safe Classroom Environment Attendance Arriving Late Handing in Work Talking in Class Cell Phones Food/Allergies No Food allowed in the lab /covered drinks are permitted Student Policies

14 Reference - https://medium

15 Success Strategies Study Skills Guest Speakers
learning styles/learning tools, memory, oral presentations, team building, entrepreneurial thinking Guest Speakers OSAP, stress management, postsecondary program coordinators, former PHS students Admission Test Introduction AC - HPAT Academic Advising

16 Learning Tools

17 Biology Tools Daily review questions Working in groups
Technology: Socrative, Kahoot!, Clickers Memory aids Models Drawing diagrams Games: Scattergories, Quiz-Quiz Trade, Jeopardy!

18 Activity 2: Biology Activity

19 Creating Bonds

20 Creating Bonds Between Peers
Spending 16 weeks together as a class Support one another by sharing notes, forming study groups, creating FB pages Discussion board topics Sharing pot lucks and special events Bonds extend beyond the classroom and into postsecondary

21 Creating Bonds with Faculty
Academic Advising Availability to discuss student issues/concerns Referring to college resources Providing regular feedback on tests/assignments Getting to know each student as an individual Teaching to different learning styles Motivating, encouraging and supporting

22 Celebrating Success

23 Panel Questions Hoda Atwa –
Melanie Farquhar –

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