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Seizure propagation across the whole-brain.

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1 Seizure propagation across the whole-brain.
Seizure propagation across the whole-brain. A, Representative calcium trace for each brain region within an PTZ-induced ictal-like event. Event onset time points were determined by the local maxima of the time derivative of moving average (of 50 data points) of ΔF/F. Scale bars as indicated in figure. B, Plot of normalized (norm.) relative lag from the earliest onset. C, Color-coded onset time mapping in a representative fish brain (average of four ictal events). D, Normalized relative lag for three quantile groups (first third early onset, second third middle onset, and third third late onset). E, Probability of brain regions falling into each quantile group. χ2 test X2(10) = 375.1, p < Error bars indicate SD; n = 30 events from 7 PTZ-treated larvae. Jing Liu, and Scott C. Baraban eNeuro 2019;6:ENEURO ©2019 by Society for Neuroscience

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