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SMR Nutrient Initiative Group Background Information Review

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1 SMR Nutrient Initiative Group Background Information Review
January 23, 2019 Matt Yeager, D.Env Senior Flood Control Planner Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District

2 Archive Slide from Aug 2012 What is our Goal? Goals: Stakeholder Driven Nutrient Management Program Address 303(d) listing regulatory requirements Better manage water resources and attain beneficial uses And so our goal is to develop a comprehensive, stakeholder driven, watershed scale approach to nutrient management for the Santa Margarita Watershed that will addresses the current 303(d) nutrient listings for the estuary, river and tributaries and also allows us to clearly identify what is necessary to protect beneficial uses; and in turn, allows us to make smarter decisions about how to manage water resources.

3 SMR Nutrient Impairment
Santa Margarita River Estuary Listed for “Eutrophic” in 1986 Expected attainment date 2027 Part of “Lagoon Order” in 2006 (R ) Required Monitoring Workplan Monitoring and Reporting SM River Mainstem Listings TMDL Alternative for River Mainstem? Nitrogen Phosphorus Upper Lower Date Listed 2014 2002 2010 Scheduled TMDL Date 2025 2019 2021

4 Monitoring Pre-1998? SWAMP Report (1998 – 2005)
Mazor & Schiff 2008 Lagoon Order Monitoring ( ) Mclaughlin, 2013 Bight Monitoring ( ??) Lagoon Monitoring CDM-Smith ( ) SPAWAR ( )

5 Where are we starting? Use SB469 Guidance Phase 1: Phase 2(unfunded):
Archive Slide from Aug 2012 Where are we starting? Use SB469 Guidance Phase 1: SMR Estuary Causal and Response Targets Inland Waters Data Collection Phase 2(unfunded): SMR River and Tributaries We believe that the first step to effectively managing nutrients in the Santa Margarita Watershed and address 303(d) listings is to evaluate the current water quality standards, consistent with the methods and guidance defined in the State Board’s SB469 Impaired Receiving Waters Guidance document. This evaluation will be conducted in two phases. The first phase will focus on setting causal and response targets for eutrophication of the Santa Margarita Estuary. We will also initiate data collection for future evaluation of nutrient objectives of the Santa Margarita River and its tributaries. However, the evaluation of causal and response targets for the Santa Margarita River and tributaries will not occur until phase 2 of the effort.

6 Science (Prop 84 Grants) Technical Advisory Committee
Led by SCCWRP Phase I and II Reports Baseline Data Report Modeling Report Science Report Recommended Targets for Estuary

7 Regulatory and Policy Investigative Order Estuary Now on the 4b list
Addressed by actions other than a TMDL Regional Board Staff Report Reviews regulatory requirements Evaluates data reports Provides load calculations and allocations Establishes estuary WQ targets Monitoring recommendations Investigative Order Monitoring requirements Reporting requirements

8 Where are we at now? Formed a stakeholder group
Archive Slide from Aug 2012 Where are we at now? Secured Prop 84 IRWM Implementation Grant funding Supports new data collection in River and estuary modeling Includes $35K (~300 hours) in funding for RWQCB staff Formed a stakeholder group Established a charter Developing MOUs governing cost-sharing Developing a project work plan Technical components governing new data collection and modeling Specifies policy and regulatory elements to be addressed To date, the initiative group has procured proposition 84 funding, which has provided the seed money to establish a charter and initiate MOUs and cooperative agreements. It has also allowed us to draft a project work plan, monitoring plan and QAPP for consideration by Regional Board staff.

9 River Approach (TMDL Alternative?)
Phase III Monitoring? Data required Modeling? Loads? Regional Board Expectations Develop targets for river Ongoing monitoring? Investigative Order? MS4 Permittees Agricultural Operators

10 Questions/Discussion

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