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The Taxidermy Studio of Alfred Giles

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1 The Taxidermy Studio of Alfred Giles
Scenario 1 The Taxidermy Studio of Alfred Giles Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process

2 Scenario Alfred Giles runs a taxidermy studio
The cost of stuffing a dead creature varies according a set of predefined rules An application has been written to automatically calculate and store the price that is to be charged for each commission Our task is to devise the set of tests which will confirm that the correct amount is calculated in all cases Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process

3 Key Questions for you to answer
How many tests will it take to fully test the application? How would you check to ensure that important cases have not been omitted? If there a smaller subset of testcases which provides reasonable coverage? If so what is it? How will you document your testcases? How long will the work take? Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process

4 A Worked Solution Step 1: examine each individual in isolation and then recombine Makes the process less overwhelming Makes it easier to spot if you miss anything out at any stage in the process Step 2: test positive and negative tests separately Step 3: establish a subset of tests which quickly provides high level of all areas Step 4: establish a quick and efficient method for identifying and describing your tests Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process

5 Step 1: What test scenarios are required to test the POSITIVE logic relating to Size Legs Eyes Coat Habitat In isolation ? (We will worry about combining them later) Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process

6 Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process
Positive Scenarios What test scenarios are required to test the POSITIVE logic Size 3 scenarios (Small/Medium/Large) Legs 9 scenarios (0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,110) Eyes 9 scenarios (0,1,2,3,4,7,10,11,27) Coat 3 scenarios (Fur/Scales/Feathers) Habitat 3 scenarios (Water/Land/Trees) Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process

7 Unnatural Creatures Creatures with odd number of legs (3 cases here 1, 17, 27) Tree living creature with zero legs Tree living creature with more than 10 legs Feathered animal with zero legs Feathered animal with more than 2 legs (3 cases here 3,8,27) Tree living creature with zero eyes Sea living creature with more than 4 eyes (5,13,23) Any creature with more than 27 eyes (3 cases here 28,37,112) Any of the above should lead to the order being rejected Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process

8 Positive and Negative Scenarios Combined
What test scenarios are required to POSITIVE test logic relating to Size 3 scenarios (Small/Medium/Large) Legs 14 scenarios (0,2,3,4,6,8,10,11,12,14,17,27,29,110) Eyes 15 scenarios (0,1,2,3,4,5,7,10,11,13,23,27,28,37,112) Coat 3 scenarios (Fur/Scales/Feathers) Habitat 3 scenarios (Water/Land/Trees) Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process

9 Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process
How many test cases? Stage 1: work out how many testcases in total can be derived from your set of scenarios 3*14*14*15*3*3 = 5265 testcases Stage 2: separate out your tests into positive and negative scenarios as you will test these separately Negative scenarios: 3150 Positive scenarios: 2115 That’s still a lot of tests however… Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process

10 More Questions…. How are we going to script such a large number of tests? How are we going to execute so many tests? Do we really need to run so many tests? If we don’t why are we writing tests we may not execute? Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process

11 How do we script so many tests?
Not as a big a job as it sounds if you adopt the correct approach… Standard view of test scripting… Every test must include Objective Detailed test steps Expected results This works well when each test is performed end to end one after another Here one set of output can provide us with all of the output we need Therefore no need to repeat the instructions 5265 times Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process

12 What should our tests look like?
Actually only require 3 elements A unique ID An explanation of what makes this test different from the other 5264 The expected result We need a format which can provide us with this information with a minimum of effort Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process

13 Suggested Test Format Each scenario is a unique combination of the following 5 factors Number of eyes Number of legs Coat Habitat Size So a typical test can merely state “Request a quotation for stuffing a large furry land dwelling animal with 4 legs and 2 eyes” And it should be possible for you to work out an expected result for each case by applying the same logic as the application has been asked to Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process

14 How do you build the tests quickly?
Let concatenation be your friend Using either MS Excel or MS Access build a formula which applies the following to the underlying scenario parameters “Request a quotation for stuffing a “&[SIZE]&” “&[COAT]&[HABITAT]” dwelling animal with “&[EYES]&”eyes and “&”[LEGS]&” legs. Items in square brackets reference the underlying data in your database table or spreadsheet You don’t need to add text or spaces but it does make the test easier for others to follow You will end up with some cases which read “1 eyes” or “1 legs” But this is a test script not a novel! You don’t get bonus points for grammatical correctness….. Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process

15 Examples Test Case 1: “Request a quotation for stuffing a “&[b2]&” “&[c2]&[d2]” animal with “&[e2]&”eyes and “&”[f2]&” legs. Test Case 4: “Request a quotation for stuffing a “&[b5]&” “&[c5]&[d5]” animal with “&[e5]&”eyes and “&”[f5]&” legs. Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process

16 Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process
Example Test Output ID 1. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Fur covered Water dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 0 legs ID 2. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Scales covered Water dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 0 legs ID 4. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Fur covered Water dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 0 legs ID 5. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Scales covered Water dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 0 legs ID 7. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Fur covered Water dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 0 legs ID 8. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Scales covered Water dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 0 legs ID 10. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Fur covered Land dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 0 legs ID 11. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Scales covered Land dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 0 legs ID 13. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Fur covered Land dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 0 legs ID 14. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Scales covered Land dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 0 legs ID 16. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Fur covered Land dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 0 legs ID 17. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Scales covered Land dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 0 legs ID 28. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Fur covered Water dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 2 legs ID 29. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Scales covered Water dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 2 legs ID 31. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Fur covered Water dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 2 legs ID 32. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Scales covered Water dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 2 legs ID 34. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Fur covered Water dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 2 legs ID 35. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Scales covered Water dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 2 legs ID 37. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Fur covered Land dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 2 legs ID 38. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Scales covered Land dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 2 legs ID 40. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Fur covered Land dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 2 legs ID 41. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Scales covered Land dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 2 legs ID 43. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Fur covered Land dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 2 legs ID 44. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Scales covered Land dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 2 legs ID 55. Positive Test. Request a quotation for stuffing a Fur covered Water dwelling animal with 0 eyes and 4 legs Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process

17 Why do we separate positive and negative tests?
Makes testing more efficient and easier to manage Allows an iterative approach to test execution Begin by testing a representative sample of positive tests Increase the depth of positive testing if time and resources allow focussing in particular on areas where the initial tests identified errors Also test a sample of negative tests ensuring that You test each of different reasons for making a commission invalid You include additional test in areas concentrating on areas where positive testing has identified issues Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process

18 Identifying a representative sample
Should include an example of each different value for each of the 5 parameters which drive the total cost Should include additional tests of eye and leg logic as this is the most complex A random sample of additional tests can also add a lot of value here Prevents self selection of tests by the tester Can focus on areas which might not have been selected otherwise Identifying a representative sample Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process

19 Selecting a random sample
If you have given each test a unique id the Rand() function in Excel can be very useful here Decide how many cases you want in your sample (a sample size of 1% is probably a good place to start) Perform the following formula once for every case you want in your sample (for if you want 50 cases run the formula 50 times) =INT(RAND()*[X]) Where X is the total number of testcases in this set This gives each of your test scenarios an equal chance of being selected If the same number comes up more than once in your sample, accept it and just run 1 less test Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process

20 Efficient Test Execution
The use of samples and the adoption of an iterative approach helps ensure that you can make the best use of whatever time and resource is available But is there a way all of the tests you have written in less than 2 hours? Efficient Test Execution Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process

21 How to quickly execute all of your tests
Preparation is the key here To be successful you need A means of bulk loading test data into the application A pre-prepared set of expected for every test scenario you upload An efficient method of matching system output against the correct expected result ideally you need a way of mapping the test id within the test data you upload (even if only within a comments field) so that the mapping of actual and expected results can be automated Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process

22 The Benefits of Such an Approach
This approach requires some work up front but means that the process of test execution becomes simple and quick and can easily be repeated again and gain Quite possible that you could Upload test data Export actual results Compare actual and expected results AUTOMATICALLY using a comparision spreadsheet/database Highlight errors and automatically produce execution metrics All within 2 hours 5265 tests in just 2 hours……. Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process

23 Conclusion This session has shown how to
Break down and analyse complex logic Confirm that you have full test coverage of the requirements Show some techniques to allow you to Write large numbers of similar tests very quickly Execute large numbers of tests very quickly Neither would be possible if Every test had to be written using a standard test template If we hadn’t come up with an approach based on the particular requirements of this task Conclusion Amadori Courses: Delivering an Effective Test Process

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