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VarSITI Closing Simposium, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 2019

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1 VarSITI Closing Simposium, Sofia, Bulgaria, 10-14 June 2019
SOLAR CYCLE IN UV AND ITS RESPONSE IN D-REGION (3D SIMULATIONS) Alexei Krivolutsky, Lidiya Cherepanova, and Tatyana Tuniyants Laboratory for Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Central Aerological Observatory, Dolgoprudny Moscow Region Russia .

2 Outline Solar UV variations between 2003-2008
3D photochemical model with ions (CHARM-I) General Circulation Model ARM Results for mean level of UV Changes in neutral and ion composition ( ) Conclusions

3 Solar UV

4 Solar cycle in UV during 1992-2010

5 CHemical Atmospheric Research Model
CHARM-I CHemical Atmospheric Research Model with Ions

6 MODEL CHARM – I (CHemical Atmospheric Research Model with Ions) (Krivolutsky et al., 2015a)
Heights: 0-90 km P, L – photochemical sources and losses U, V, W – wind components, µ – mixing ratio number of species: neutrals – 41; ions – 23 number of chemical reactions (total): 194 Photodissociation and ionization rates (total) : 48 Methods: “chemical families” for neutrals (Turco, Whitten, 1974) “electroneutrality” for ions Prather’s scheme for advection ( Prather, 1986) Resolution: 2 km Х 5 Х 5 deg., Time step: 100 s

7 List of neutral species
“Families” Ox = O3 + O(3P) + O(1D); NOy =N + NO + NO2 + NO3 + 2N2O5 + HNO3 + HO2NO2 + ClNO3+N(2D); Cly=Cl + ClO + OClO + ClOO + HOCl + HCl; HOx=H + OH + HO2 + 2H2O2 ; others CH3, CH2O, CH3O2, CH3O2H, CH3O, CHO, CO. О2(1g) Source-gases CH4, CO2, N2O, СF2Cl2, CFCl3, H2, Cl4, Cl2, СН3Cl, CH2Cl, О2, N2 (fixed profiles), H2O(fixed global field/HALOE).

8 List of ionized compounds calculated in the model
Positive: O2+ O4+ O2+(H2O) H+ (H 2O) H+ (H2O)3 H+ (H2O)4 H+ (H2O)2 NO+N2 NO+CO2 NO+(H2O) NO+(H2O)2 NO+(H2O) NO+  Negative: [e] O2 - O3- O4- CO4- O- OH- CO O2 - (H2O) HCO3-   NO2 - N O3-

9 q(z)=n(O2(1g))0,54910-9exp(-2,406 10-20 121,6 nm ( Lα ) NO
Ionization 1-10 nm ( X-Rays) 102,7-111,8 nm О2(1g)   q(z)=n(O2(1g))0,54910-9exp(-2,406 10-20 N(O2)+2,61410-9 exp(-8,50810-20N(O2)) 121,6 nm ( Lα ) NO GCRs (Heaps, 1978)

10 ARM -Atmospheric Research Model (GCM) (Krivolutsky et al, 2015b)
Altitudes: км Resolutions: vertical– 1 km; longitudinal – 100; latitudinal– 50 time step – 5 min. Paramaterizations: Heating - О2, О3, Н2О (Strobel, 1978; Chou et al., 2002); IR cooling- СО2, О3, H2O, NО ( Chou et al., 2002; Fomichev, 2003; Kockarts, 1980), GWs (Lindzen, 1981) Planetary waves at lower boundary (S=1,2.3)

11 Global temperature field for July (К) (Krivolutsky et al, 2015b)

12 Zonal wind structure (m/s) for July (Krivolutsky et. al, 2015b)

13 Meridional wind in January (m/s)

14 Vertical wind component (m/s)

15 GLOBAL OZONE DISTRIBUTION (ppmv) January (simulations with CHARM-I)

16 NOy(ppbv) global distribution CHARM-I

17 Electron density, 80 km (number/cm
Electron density, 80 km (number/cm**3) st March (00:00 UT) Latitude Longitude 50 -50 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

18 electron density, 60 km (number/cm**3) 1st March (00:00 UT)

19 NO+ (number/cm**3) at 80 km 1st March (00:00 UT)

20 NO+ (number/cm**3) at 70 km 1st March (00:00 UT)

21 O2+ (number/cm**3) at 80 km 1st March (00:00 UT)

22 O2+ (number/cm**3) at 70 km 1st March (00:00 UT)

23 O-2 (number/cm**3) at 80 km 1st March (00:00 UT)

24 Vertical profiles of ions (noon) (model simulations)

25 Vertical profiles of ions (noon) (model simulations)

26 Vertical profiles of ions (noon) (model simulations)

27 Electron density (June 2003) model simulations

28 Electron density ( June 2003) (model simulations)

29 Electron density (June 2003) (model simulations)

30 NO+

31 NO+

32 NO+

33 June 2003 , 80 km O+2

34 O+2 June 2003 , 70 km

35 66 km O-2

36 Changes

37 NOy changes (%) (model simulations)

38 O3 changes (%) 2008-2003 (model simulations)

39 Changes in electron density (%) at 76 km 2008-2003

40 Changes in electron density (%) at 80 km 2008-2003

41 Changes in O+2 (%) at 80 km

42 NO+ changes (%)

43 Changes (%) in electron density 2008-2003 (model simulations)

44 Conclusions 1. Global 3D photochemical model CHARM-I reproduces joint neutral and ion atmospheric composition in range km. 2.Specific configuration of ion composition and electrons near the equator depends on wind fields configuration was found. 3. Changes in solar UV between 2008 (solar minima) and 2003 were incorporated in the model to calculated corresponding changes in composition. 4. Negative differences between 2008 and 2003 in ozone (2-5 %) and in NOy (1-2 %) were found in model runs. 5. Differences in electron density between 2008 and 2003 has clear negative changes during daytime (about %) above 70 km was found. 6. Weak positive response in electron density near 60 km and below this level was found (possibly caused solar-induced changes in neutrals).

45 Thank you for your attention!

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