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Stay rate of international students

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1 Stay rate of international students
Research and data in the Netherlands Laurens Steehouder Researcher

2 Outline International students in the Netherlands Data and methods
Stay rate of international students

3 Definition of an international student
What do we meant when we say ‘international degree student’? A student who did not follow secondary education in the Netherlands prior to their start in higher education A student who does not posses the Dutch nationality This means that 14,344 ‘homecoming students’ are not counted as international students (2018) Data is retrieved from the central education register, which is administrated by the ministry of Education, Culture and Science

4 Number of international students
In , there were 85,955 international degree students and 14,344 homecoming students enrolled in Dutch public higher education. ? In , the share of international students in Dutch public higher education increased to 11.5% of all students, compared to 10.5% in the previous year. This means that 73.2% of all international degree students come from within the EEA. Of all international degree students, there are 26.8% or 23,023 students from non-EEA countries, a group that is slowly increasing its presence in public Dutch higher education institutions. Over a two-year period, the share of non-EEA students increased from 24.8% in to 26.9% in At universities of applied sciences, Arts and Culture has the highest relative share of international students. In absolute numbers, the field of Economics and Business has the most international students enrolled with 13,535

5 Number of international students 2018

6 Stay rate Main question: How many international students are still living and/or working in the Netherlands after they graduated? Policy relevance: A positive effect on the Gross domestic product Shortages for skilled workers on the labour market Municipalities record the personal data of all residents in the BRP. These data include marriage, the birth of a child, or a change of address. If someone moves to another municipality, their personal data moves with them

7 Data and methods Collaboration with the Central statistical Agency in the Netherlands (CBS). Sources of data: 1. International graduates in a cohort retrieved from the central education administration. 2. Data on people who live in the Netherlands from the personal records Database (BRP). 3. Employment data from the tax administration. Privacy regulations: No microdata  values smaller than 10 not included and rounding Municipalities record the personal data of all residents in the BRP. These data include marriage, the birth of a child, or a change of address. If someone moves to another municipality, their personal data moves with them Error: students do not always unsubscribe when they leave and municipalities do always check on a regular basis

8 Data and methods Four different groups: Students who leave
Students who continue their studies in the Netherlands Students who stay and work for at least 1 hour a week Students who are registered and do not fall into the other categories Stay rate: Number of students who stay in the Netherlands(2,3,4) as share of all the students in a cohort Working stay rate: students who work(3) in the Netherlands as part of all students in a cohort

9 Reporting Policy report (in Dutch)

10 Stay rates of international graduates between 2006-07 and 2012-13

11 Stay rates of international graduates between 2006-07 and 2012-13

12 Stay rates of international graduates between 2006-07 and 2012-13

13 Questions?

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