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Air Defense Artillery Association (ADAA) The Links at Redstone

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1 Air Defense Artillery Association (ADAA) The Links at Redstone
13th Annual Air Defense Artillery Association (ADAA) Best Organizational / Company (Team) Challenge Golf Tournament 4 OCTOBER 2019 The Links at Redstone Four Person Scramble / Shotgun Start at 12:00 PM (Noon) Corporate Sponsorships Available for $100 POC: Jon Randel Cell: $60 per Person / $240 per Team; Includes Lunch, Greens Fees, Cart & Social You can pay by PAYPAL at: After paying via PAYPAL, please forward your Player Names & Registration /Entry sheet to: AM: Free Range Balls AM: Lunch 12:00 PM (Noon): Shotgun Start Door Prizes and Skill Prizes; Traveling Trophy Awarded to Best Team Non-Golfing ADAA members join us for the Social at 4:30 PM at The Links

2 Return completed form NLT 13 SEPT
REGISTRATION/ Entry Sheet Air Defense Artillery Association (ADAA) Organizational Challenge Golf Tournament 4 OCT 2019 Instructions: If all players are from the same organization, fill out #1 and assign a team POC to compete for the Organizational ADAA trophy. If all players are NOT from the same organization, leave section 1 blank, and fill out #2 only. COST: $60 per person/or $240 per team 1. Organizational/Company Affiliation______________________________ Team POC ____________________, ___________________ (NOTE: To compete for the traveling trophy, ALL players must be from same Organization or Company. PLEASE SEE DETAILED RULES on NEXT Page regarding the Organizational Trophy.) Player 1 __________________ Player 2 __________________ Player 3 __________________ Player 4 __________________ 2. Individual Entries - $60 per person (Please try to get your own foursome. Less than 4 entries here means the golf committee will combine with other incomplete teams) You can pay by PAYPAL at: After paying via PAYPAL, please forward your Player Names & Registration / Entry sheet to: Or Mail / Drop off Registration / Entry sheet & Checks NLT 13 SEPT 2019 to: Jon Randel, Central Park Lane, Huntsville, AL 35806

3 Air Defense Artillery Association (ADAA) RULES
13th Annual Air Defense Artillery Association (ADAA) Organizational Challenge Golf Tournament 4 October 2019 – The Links at Redstone RULES This will be a 4 man Scramble format tournament. Shotgun Start at 12:00 PM. Registration and Lunch begin at 11:00 AM. Free range balls until 1145! Two(2) Mulligans may be purchased for $10 (max 2 per person) which includes a 1 year membership in the ADAA Prizes will be awarded to the top teams at the Social. Individual Skills competition will consist of two (2) Closest-to-the-Pin holes and two (2) longest drives holes and Drawings will be conducted for door prizes. RULES Men will hit from the WHITE Tees (over 62 may hit from the yellow) Women will hit from the RED Tees Normal Scramble rules apply. All players hit from the designated Tee and the team selects the best shot. All team members pick up their balls and play from the best ball location within one (1) Club length but no closer to the hole. The shot must be played from the same cut of grass. You may NOT use the club length to get out of a hazard or deep rough. Two (2) Putt Rule – A maximum of 2 putts is possible, so if you miss the first putt, pick up and keep moving. There are NO provisional or “gimme” shots. (You must use a Mulligans) Longest drive MUST be in the fairway, Closest to the pin MUST be on the green. Golf is a game of Honor, enjoy it, and if no addressed, USGA rules apply. Missing Player Rules (less than 4 golfers) Team must play the 4th shot by ROTATING among the available players.

4 ADAA Trophy Rules for Competition
NOTE – All Golfers and Teams regardless of make-up can compete for the skill and door prizes, but to be eligible for the ADAA Trophy, your team must comply with these rules: 1. ALL 4 players must be from the same Organization or Company 2. Government/Contractor mixed teams are acceptable if all players support the same Organization or Project Office. Example #1: 2 players are Lockheed Martin (LM) employees supporting the IAMD or LTPO Project office, and 2 players are Government employees in the same project office. The name of the Organization Competing for the trophy is the IAMD or LTPO Project Office because that is the common element. Example #2: 2 players are from LM and 2 players are from Raytheon. You are not eligible for the trophy! You may compete as a team for the team prizes and individually for other awards. Example #3: 2 players are from company XYZ, and 2 players are from company ABC. Both companies XYZ and ABC are in a joint venture called XYZABC. The Joint venture named organization may compete for the trophy. 3. Trophy rotates Annually (Give it up at the next ADAA Tournament)

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