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Presentation on theme: "CSHS WORLD LANGUAGES Doni Nasr"— Presentation transcript:

Honors Spanish 5/6 Honors Spanish 5/6 Immersion Honors 7/8 ELL Coordinator Advisor Spanish Club Sista Circle Board member of Arizona Language Association (AZLA) Board member The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP)

2 What you will do. What you will learn. What you can expect.
Why am I in here?

3 What are my Goals? Español 7/8 Español 5/6 Immersion Español 5/6

4 What Will I be ablE to do in this class?
Developing Language –(Intermediate mid) Level 5/6 This is another big growth year in learning how to use the language, and you are going to be surprised at how much more you can do with the language. This is a year when you will feel yourself being able to say a lot more of what you want to say without relying so much on memorized phrases. One of the big things you will notice is that you will be able to handle basic survival needs in the language better than before. You can begin to express your opinion and participate in discussions on a wider range of topics.

5 What Will I be ablE to do in this class?
Developing Language (Intermediate Mid-Intermediate High) – Level 5/6 Immersion Having reached this level of proficiency, you are at a place where you feel confident to communicate about topics regarding your immediate environment. You can ask a variety of questions to obtain simple information and take care of your basic needs, like getting directions, prices and services You can resolve a simple problem that you may encounter in daily life. You can expand on more topics with more detail.

6 What Will I be ablE to do in this class?
Expanding Language (Intermediate Mid- High) – Level 7/8 Having reached this level of proficiency, you are at a place where you feel confident to communicate about normal, everyday matters. You can describe people and places and provide personal information about yourself and others, family, home, daily activities, interests and personal preferences. You can get into, through and out of normal daily situations that involve obtaining food, lodging, transportation and also taking care of health issues. You can ask a variety of questions to obtain simple information and take care of your basic needs, like getting directions, prices and services. You are starting to expand on more topics with more detail.

7 PRACTICE!!! Language is a skill!!!! Change your phone
How do you get better at it? Change your phone Watch movies (with subtitles) Text a friend in the language Listen to music Look at new websites…. PRACTICE!!!

8 Other things that you can do….
Retake grammar tests Quia website and other practice sites (Colby, studyspanish etc.) Participate in class “as much as possible” Tutoring by SHH on Tues. and Thurs. (?) after school Review with me – Practice, practice, practice, practice….

9 Seal of Biliteracy Students will be able to take the ACTFL Assessment of Performance towards Proficiency in Languages test (AAPPL) or use their AP or IB scores Cost: $20 for entire test or in sections $6, $6 & $12 Cactus Shadows Seal of Biliteracy (GOLD): Intermediate High on all areas, enroll in language for all 4 years, and pass the English AZ Merit and English course requirements AZ Seal of Biliteracy (SILVER): Intermediate Mid on all areas and pass the English AZ Merit and English course requirements

10 FAIL FORWARD! We do not get better if we do not try! This means we will make mistakes. What is important is not that we made a mistake but that we learn from it. If we did everything perfectly we wouldn’t ever learn! This is your opportunity to master failing forward!

Production consists of primarily memorized lists, phrases, fragments of sentences, chunks of language and simple sentences related to the topic or task. NOVICE MID NOVICE LOW NOVICE (cc) villarreal15

12 Simple sentences. Ask and answer simple questions.
STEPS to PROFICIENCY Intermediate 3 Intermediate 2 Intermediate 1 Simple sentences. Ask and answer simple questions. Intermediate (cc) villarreal15

13 Intermediate STEPS to PROFICIENCY Intermediate 3 Intermediate 2
Discrete sentences related to the topic and task. Intermediate 1 Intermediate (cc) villarreal15

14 Intermediate STEPS to PROFICIENCY Intermediate 3 Intermediate 2
Strings of sentences created by the speaker related to topic and task. Intermediate 2 Intermediate 1 Intermediate (cc) villarreal15

15 Intermediate STEPS to PROFICIENCY Intermediate Intermediate 4 5
Describe and tell stories in well connected sentences on some unfamiliar topics. Use questions to solve problems. Understood by natives most of the time. Intermediate (cc) villarreal15

16 Intermediate STEPS to PROFICIENCY Intermediate 5 Intermediate 4
Describe, tell stories, and report events in well connected sentences and some paragraphs. Use a variety of questions to solve problems. Understood by natives most of the time. Intermediate 4 Intermediate (cc) villarreal15

17 Performance Proficiency
What’s the Difference? Performance Proficiency What we do in the classroom Communication we practice The skills that underlie the communication across topics Can communicate on any topic. (cc) villarreal15

18 Performance Assessment
MAJOR FOCUS: What language do I use? How do I use the language? How well am I understood? And then …. : How well do I use the Language?

19 How will I be assessed?

20 Language Leaning Language Learning Cement Multiple Performances

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