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Presentation on theme: "ADULT EDUCATION SURVEY (AES)"— Presentation transcript:

comprises the entire body of organised educational processes, whatever the content, level and method comprises formal, non-formal and informal learning where adults improve their technical/professional qualifications and further develop their abilities. The Adult Education Survey (AES) is carried out under European Regulation (EC) 1175/ The requirements specified concern: Data collection period, standardisation (harmonisation), population age range, variables needed, sampling and precision standards, transmission of data and quality report.

Harmonisation: Every participating country is expected to follow a model questionnaire provided by Eurostat to ensure comparability. Target Population: The Survey targets persons aged and living in households AES covers the following topics: Learning Outcomes Information, guidance and counselling Investing time and money in learning Bringing learning and learners close together Basic skills and competences

3 LEARNING ACTIVITIES AES covers all Learning Activities:
Learning activities are defined as ‘any activities of an individual organised with the intention to improve his/her knowledge, skills and competences’. Learning activities must be intentional and organised. Non-learning activities (NLA) are random learning and are to be excluded. Example: Sports activities which are not intended to improve one’s skills in a sports discipline. E.g. fitness programmes, gym, game of football with friends should be excluded since their primary scope is leisure not learning. Include in AES (Non- Formal learning) learning activities such as sports activities which involve a trainer, and focus on rules, techniques and skills, and which are competitive. On the other hand, if sports is done without a trainer but with the intention to improve skills, then this kind of learning is informal learning.


Formal education is education that is institutionalised, intentional and planned activities, which are made up of structured hierarchical programmes with the following criteria: Chronological succession of levels and grades (ladder system), admission requirements, formal registration, Programmes are recognised by the national education authorities Provide access to higher levels. Upon completion, formal learning always leads to a qualification or award recognised by National Authorities (MQF, NQF, EQF level) Duration of Formal activity is a minimum of 6 months Full Time study /30 ECTS/ One Semester/247.5 contact hours

Institutionalised education: occurs when an organisation provides structured educational arrangements, such as student-teacher relationships and/or interactions, that are specially designed for education and learning. Formal education consists of: initial/compulsory education. i.e. from Pre-primary level to Secondary, and other courses e.g. Introductory certificates, Foundation courses, Diplomas, Higher Diplomas, Degrees. To be considered as Formal a programme needs to satisfy at least the duration and recognised programme and qualification as mentioned.

Non-formal education is similar to Formal education. It is still institutionalised, intentional and planned. It still involves an instructor-student relationship/interaction. It is an addition, alternative or complement to formal education. Does not necessarily apply a continuous pathway structure. Entry requirements may not be needed for admission. May be short in duration (less than 6 months FT study) and/or low-intensity. May be long (longer than 6 months FT) but is not a recognised programme by national authorities therefore it does not lead to a recognised qualification. Non-formal programmes can sometimes lead to a formal qualification or might lead to no qualifications at all.

Non-formal education is typically provided in the form of: Short courses Workshops Seminars Guided on-the-job training (incl. short-term apprenticeship) Private lessons Examples: receiving paid instruction to learn skiing, no certificate Improve skills in poetry, evening course, 4 hrs/week, no qualification. Distance learning course to improve knowledge on nutrition, 4 sessions/yr, for 2 yrs, gives qualification Attend 1 weekend workshop where everyone can register, programme not recognised Seminar on hairdressing at a professional organisation, 1hr/1day, sent by employer. ECDL is Non-Formal learning

9 INFORMAL LEARNING Intentional, but it is less organised, highly less structured and does not involve an instructor-student interaction/organisation. Might provide a qualification. May include learning events /activities that occur in the family, in the workplace, and in the daily life of every person. Informal learning happens on a self-directed, family-directed or socially-directed basis Main categories are in Question F1. Examples: Unpaid instruction from a friend Teaching yourself from books Learning through browsing Reading to keep up with developments Teaching oneself sports or getting some help from a friend Learning by oneself to type Working on a ‘learning’ project with some friends, which might eventually lead to a qualification.

Section 1 and Section A: Background information on Household Section B: Information on the Respondent: Incomplete education Employment status Characteristics of the main job Section C: Information on the Respondent – Parent Education Section D: Access to Information on Learning Opportunities and Guidance Participation in Education and Training: Formal Education Non-Formal Education Detailed Information about selected non-formal activities Section E: Difficulties related to participation in Education and Training Section F: Informal Learning Section G: Knowledge of Language Section H: Income of the Household

11 (Refer to word document)
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1 year Full-Time study = 36 weeks = 9 months = 60 ECTS = 495 contact hours (class) Follow all Go to’s ‘No answer’ is to be absolutely avoided Proxy interviews should be avoided Level of education (B1) & highest qualification (B2) & Area of study (B4) should be consistent Age is validated with level of education attained DEFINITIONS/NOTES FOR IMPORTANT VARIABLES (Refer to word document)

12 Differences between paper questionnaires vis-à-vis CAPI programme H2: Code 6 = Other (example Households with 3 and more adults) H2 Note: Code 5 = age 4 instead of 24 B1, B7, D10   Education level of attainment questions – no duration in 1st degree, Masters:                     First degree or equivalent /MCAST Bachelor Degree                     Masters degree / ACCA B4 = No answer option should not be allowed B6 = Have you ever started a formal educational program which you stopped without completing? C1=  options to select should be: At most secondary level / Post secondary or equivalent /Tertiary education D30 = If at time of attending NON formal education respondent does not have a job, the answer = NO D33 – You cannot select more than one answer for every activity D44: question should read “Which one of the following entities paid for your tuition/books for the mentioned non-formal activities”? E2 = questions and GO TO’S


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