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The Dead Mouse Elevator

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Presentation on theme: "The Dead Mouse Elevator"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Dead Mouse Elevator
By: Duncan Adrian, Daiwen Chen, Sean Szemborski, Chris Guynn

2 Team members

3 Design Wheel goes down ramp to hit lever Lever pushes marble down tube
Sets off series mouse traps Trap pulls pin to release ball Ball goes down tube, sets off another mouse trap Pulls stick releases wheel Wheel sets off final mousetrap Mousetrap pulls pin which releases the bucket Wooden ball falls into counter weight Weight moves

4 Energy Conversions Wheel GPE to Wheel KE to lever KE
Lever KE + marble GPE to First Mouse Traps Spring PE to To rotational KE x 4 Releases ball GPE to Balls KE to trap Wheels GPE to trap Ball in buckets GPE to KE to Balls KE + Balls GPE + Counterweights GPE to Move weight

5 Conclusions Total Build Time: 10 hours Problems - First idea failed,
- Mouse trap breaking - Timing weight exactly Efficiency = 40.3% Total Energy Loss = J

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