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Title: Biology 11/3/06 Objectives: Class Topics

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1 Title: Biology 11/3/06 Objectives: Class Topics
10/15/2019 Title: Biology 11/3/06 Objectives: To assess learning about cells and their organelles and begin learning about movement of molecules across the cell membrane Class Topics Hand in W.S. 4.1 and all Chapter 3 Corrections before the bell rings Review Chapter 3 Test Notes – Chapter 4 It is said Abraham Lincoln asked his cabinet: "If you call a tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have?" To which the cabinet replied: "Five." "No," said Abe, "calling a tail a leg doesn't make it one." Tuesday, October 15, :11 AM

2 10/15/2019 Miscellaneous Starting with W.S. 4.1 there will be no more corrections for at least a two week time period. Assignments due at the beginning of class should be handed in with 30 seconds of the bell ringing! They will be counted as late if not.

3 Class Assignments All Chapter 3 corrections 11/3/06 Read 73-80 11/3/06
10/15/2019 Class Assignments What By When All Chapter 3 corrections 11/3/06 Read /3/06 W.S. 4.1 (DR/Quiz) 11/3/06 2A only p (1-4 in complete sentences) 11/3/06 Death By Osmosis Essay 11/3/06 W.S. “What Happened to Dinner?” 11/7/06 Due this class period Due next class period Due in the future

4 Grade Sheet 1A – SR p. 61 - 5 pts Measurement W.S. – 10 pts
10/15/2019 Grade Sheet 1A – SR p pts Measurement W.S. – 10 pts 3A SR p. 42 – 6 pts 4A – SR p. 47 – 5 pts 2A – Measurement W.S. – 10 pts

5 10/15/2019

6 Hypotonic high concentration of water outside of the cell
10/15/2019 Hypotonic high concentration of water outside of the cell Movement of water into the cell Cell swells Distilled water Pond water for most organisms must have contractile vacuole Cytolysis – bursting of cells

7 Hypertonic High concentration of water inside the cell
10/15/2019 Hypertonic High concentration of water inside the cell Water moves out of the cell Cell shrinks (plasmolysis) Salt water

8 Isotonic Same concentration inside and outside the cell
10/15/2019 Isotonic Same concentration inside and outside the cell No net movement of water no affect on the cell Blood plasma Why?

9 10/15/2019

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11 Osmotic Pressure Plants, fungi, bacteria Animals freshwater protists
10/15/2019 Osmotic Pressure Plants, fungi, bacteria Turgor pressure (on cell wall) Animals Blood plasma (isotonic) freshwater protists Contractile vacuole – sump pump

12 Death by Osmosis! 2 paragraphs
10/15/2019 Death by Osmosis! 2 paragraphs 1st paragraph explain how penicillin kills bacteria Do not plagiarize! 2nd paragraph give your opinion and justification about whether it should be taken on a daily basis. When completed, hand in (notes and essay stapled together) Read or review notes

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