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Can You Afford Your College???

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Presentation on theme: "Can You Afford Your College???"— Presentation transcript:

1 Can You Afford Your College???

2 Can You Afford That College?
Directions: Add up the following for 2 semesters to determine the total cost for attending your college for 1 year. Be sure to label each expense. Tuition (for 2 semesters) +Books and supplies (for 2 semesters) +Room (Housing) and Board (Food/Meal Plan) (for 2 semesters) +Travel Expenses (air ticket to travel home 3 times a year/gas to travel home 3 times a year) +Personal Expenses (Clothes, Entertainment, Other) (for 2 semesters) TOTAL COLLEGE EXPENSES (for 1 year)

3 Can You Afford That College???
Directions: Multiple your total college expenses by 4. Then subtract based on the amount for each section to determine whether you can and how you can afford that college. Total college expenses -Financial Aid -Scholarship(s) -Loans -Grants -EFC_____________ Can you afford your college??? Your balance may be $0, positive (money owed), or negative (money leftover). Where is the additional money coming from? Can you afford to attend this school??? BALANCE If a negative amount, where is the additional money coming from??

4 Can You Afford That College? Worksheet Due January 30th
Complete the Can You Afford That College? Worksheet for your top 3 colleges. Label each item and its amount Be sure to use $ and (,) as need with money For example Tuition: $9,560

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