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Ecosystem and Natural Disaster

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Presentation on theme: "Ecosystem and Natural Disaster"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecosystem and Natural Disaster
Group Member Names

2 Background information.
What is the animal you chose? What happened to your animal? What role does it play in the ecosystem? Why is it important to its ecosystem? Include a picture of your animal and your ecosystem.

3 Continued from slide before.

4 Temporary Habitat Name and Location
Describe the habitat you have designed for your animal. Include what materials were used. How are they going to get their needs met? (food, water, space, shelter, mates…) Where is it being built? Why did you make these choices? What do the workers need to do to maintain this habitat?

5 Continued from slide before

6 Energy… How is matter cycled in your animal’s ecosystem?
How does energy flow in your animal’s ecosystem? How did you do the same in your temporary habitat? Include a picture of the food web involving your animal.

7 The Return… Why should your animal return to its original ecosystem? (Think: roles) How will you know the habitat is ready for your animals? Remember, there was a disaster. How long will it take the ecosystem to “heal”?

8 The Design… Why is your design solution for your animal’s temporary habitat the best choice for your animal?

9 Summary How much do you think it would cost to build your habitat?
How many people will it take to keep the habitat in working order? Why do you think this will work? Why is this a necessary project overall? Include images to support your statements.

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