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BIO 20-1 Rules and Regulations

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Presentation on theme: "BIO 20-1 Rules and Regulations"— Presentation transcript:

1 BIO 20-1 Rules and Regulations
Group Oral Reporting BIO 20-1 Rules and Regulations

2 Topics Biosensors: Micro- and nanoscale sensors and biotransducers (Dalisay group) Molecular bioelectronics: G-wire DNA, metalloprotein electronics, and the electrical properties of microtubules and actin filaments (Rozul group) Bio/Biomedical imaging: Principles, types, and applications (Ruiz group) Human-machine interfaces: The principles, versions, and applications of direct brain-to-computer interfaces (Song group) Micro- and nanofluidics: Principles and applications in biotechnology (Espinosa group)

3 Content Introduction Brief Intro Background Principle of the topic
Examples of the Concept Research and Development (Each Topic) History of research and development Principle of the technology/System Applications Advantages, disadvantages Future outlook and conclusion References

4 Content The report should be about examples I approved.
Videos and animations are allowed. Mini-skits are allowed, as long as they are not too lengthy. Presentations should not be text heavy. The bulk of the content must be discussed by the reporters

5 Grading The group report will compose 12.5 % of your total grade.

6 Grading The oral report will be graded as follows. 40% - Content
30% - Delivery 10% - Visual Aesthetics 10% - Timeliness 10% - Ability to answer questions

7 Time 20 mins maximum for the report 5 mins for Q and A
The group or reporter will earn a penalty should the report go past 20 mins. If the report is too short and insufficient, the grade in the content part will suffer

8 Reporters All group members should participate in the oral presentation. The group or reporter should wear semi-formal attire for the report. The oral report should be in English. Use of Filipino or Taglish should be minimized or limited.

9 Listeners The audience should be quiet and attentive during the presentation Asking questions is encouraged, as long as the questions are relevant and related to the report. Rowdy and disruptive audience members will be awarded with a penalty in their reporting grade. Audience members asking noteworthy questions will be rewarded with appropriate bonus points in their reporting grade

10 Term Paper Article Critique

11 content The article critique should contain the following outline to be followed strictly: Introduction Summary of the article Applications of the bioelectronics in the article Critique of the article

12 Introduction The introduction should contain the theoretical background of the study or research conducted in the article. It should not talk about the article, but about the setting or context of the article, especially the motivation or why the research was performed

13 Summary Summarize the article in 2-3 paragraphs.
What was the goal of the research/study? What was the method? What were the important results?

14 Applications This should be related to the goal and motivation of the article What are these applications/possible applications? Why are they important and what are their implications? Relate the applications to the results of the research/study

15 Critique The critique is YOUR opinion. However, the critique must be professional and proper. Avoid phrases like “I like the…” or “It was nice…” Avoid usage of the first person point of view. Use a third-person point of view

16 Critique Sample: “The applications that can be gleaned from the positive results of the study can be of enormous commercial interest. Why is this so? The researchers stated that one prevalent problem is the lowering of dissolved oxygen in rivers due to thermal waste from factories. The results of the study proved that the device of the researchers can be used to accurately measure the oxygen content of water. This can be a great help in the Philippines, if possible, especially in the rehabilitation of polluted water ways, such as the Pasig River.”

17 Grading The article critique will compose 10% of your grade.
Article breakdown: 40 pts - Content 30 pts - Readability and flow 10 pts - Applications 10 pts - Critique 10 pts - Spelling and grammar

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