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From the Convection Zone to the Heliosphere

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1 From the Convection Zone to the Heliosphere
Bridging the Great Divide: Linking the Solar Dynamo to the Dynamic Heliosphere Part II: From the Convection Zone to the Heliosphere Tuesday, July 12, 9:45am-12:45pm Session Leaders: George Fisher & Janet Luhmann

2 Key Science issues: Can we tell what the fields are like below the surface shear layer (are they concentrated or are they turbulent) from what we see on the photosphere? How does the surface shear layer modify those fields and how is that processing affected by the state of the overlying corona (if at all)? How and why do global dynamo model results depend on their assumed outer boundary conditions? Does helicity need to 'escape'? in order for the dynamo to work?

3 Does surface flux transport really matter to the dynamo or are the large scale fields, including polar fields, just an end product of no consequence (other than to the corona, the solar wind, and the heliosphere). Why does the 2D flux transport picture work so well anyway? What are the essential elements of field evolution inferred from these?

4 How does the magnetic flux from the solar interior and photosphere interact with the open and closed magnetic fields in the corona and heliosphere? Do the open and closed fields interact with the dynamo fields differently? How exactly does the magnetic field in the declining phase of the solar cycle "simplify" itself, and how is this reflected in the corona and heliosphere? How does flux cancellation work -- can it be described via a turbulent diffusion model, or does it result in the expulsion of helicity and poynting flux into the outer solar atmosphere?

5 This year, we actually have dynamo researchers in the audience so please come and challenge them!!!
See you tomorrow

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