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Strategies to make available quality seed of improved varieties/hybrids and Most suitable varieties of major crops for each agro-climatic/agro ecological.

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1 Strategies to make available quality seed of improved varieties/hybrids and Most suitable varieties of major crops for each agro-climatic/agro ecological region KARNATAKA, UTTAR PRADESH, CHATTISGARH, KERALA, MEGHALAYA, ARUNACHAL PRADESH, NAGALAND.

2 Availability of Quality Seed of Improved varieties
Strategies : Preparation of five years Seed Rolling Plan. Ensure adequate and timely availability of breeder / foundation seed as per plan. Training of seed grower farmers. Incentives to seed growers to encourage quality seed production. Adequate arrangement for seed procurement. Time bound programme for seed processing, testing and tagging. Construction of new processing centers, seed godowns.

3 Most suitable varieties of major crops for each agro-climatic/agro ecological region

4 Most suitable varieties of major crops cultivated in Karnataka
Rabi-Summer Sl.NO. Crop Variety 1 Jowar M 35-1 CSH-14 CSH-16 Pule Yashoda Private Hybrids 2 Wheat HD-2189 Lok-1 DWR-39 DWR-162 DWR-195 DWR-185 MACS-2971 UAS-304 UAS-415 MACS-6222 GW-273 Public varieties 3 Bengalgram JG-11 ICCV-37 Jaki-9218

5 Karnataka 4 Greengram SM PB BGS 9 Others new varieties 5 Blackgram T-9
PB BGS 9 Others new varieties 5 Blackgram T-9 TAU-1 DU-1/Rashmi 6 Cowpea KBC-2 7 Groundnut VRI-2 TAG-24 GPBD-4 KCG-2 K-6 ICGV-91114 ICGV (Kernal) 8 Sunflower KBSH-1 KBSH-44 KBSH-41 KBSH-53 9 Safflower Private hybrids A-1 A-2

6 Karnataka 10 Paddy Rasi BPT-5204 IR-64 CTH-1 IR-30864 MTU-1001
BPT-5204 IR-64 CTH-1 IR-30864 MTU-1001 MTU-1010 JGL-1798 JGL-384 IET-7191 Athira BR-2655 Thanu Hybrids Others new varieties 11 Ragi GPU-28 GPU-48/45 ML-365 PR 202 12 Maize Private Hybrids

7 Suitable varieties of Major Rabi Crops for different agro-climatic zone
Wheat Gram Lentil Popular Varieties Released over 10 years Suitable Varieties Released within 10 years CG Plains 15 Distt. GW-273 (1998), HI-8498 (1999), GW-322 (2002), Lok-1 (1982), DL (1995) GW-366 (2007), HI-1544 (Purna) (2008), Ratan (2009) JG-74 (1983), Vaibhav (2001), Vijay (1994) Digvijay (2007), JG-63 (2006), JG-6 (2008) JKL-3 (2002), Mallika (K-75) (1986) Shekhar Masoor (KLB-303) (2004) Bastar Plateau 7 Distt. WH-147 (1980), C-306 (1964), GW-322 (2002), Lok-1 (1982), GW-273 (1998) HI-1531 (2006), MP-1203 (2009) Vijay (1994), Vaibhav (2001), JG-74 (1983), JG-11 (1999) JG-14 (2008) JLS-1 (1991), Priya (DPL-15) (2002) Pant Lentil-8 (2008) Northern Hills 5 Distt. Amar (HW-2004) 1997), PBW-343 (1996), WH-147 (1980), DL (1997), Lok-1 (1982), HI-8381 (1995) WH-1025 (2010), GW-366 (2007) Vaibhav (2001), JG-74 (1983) JAKI-9218 (2008), JG-226 (2008) Mallika (K-75) (1986),

8 Suitable varieties of Major Rabi Crops for different agro-climatic zone
Peas Lathyrus Groundnut Popular Varieties Released over 10 years Suitable Varieties Released within 10 years CG Plains 15 Distt. Ambika (2001), Arkil (1978) Shubhra, Paras (2005), Prakash (2006) Pratik (2002), Ratan (2001) Mahateora (2008), AK-159 (2001) Kadiri (2005), TG-37-A (2004) Bastar Plateau 7 Distt. Arkil (1978), JP-885 (1992), Azad Pea-1 (1985) Pant Peas-42 (2008) - Northern Hills 5 Distt. Arkil (1978) Paras (2005), Aman (2010), Pant Pea-14 (2006) TAG-24 (1992) Kadiri-6 (2005)

9 Suitable varieties of Major Rabi Crops for different agro-climatic zone
Rapeseed Mustard Linseed Safflower Popular Varieties Released over 10 years Suitable Varieties Released within 10 years CG Plains 15 Distt. Pusa Bold (2001), Pusa Jaikisan (1994), Laxmi (1995), Pusa Mustard-25 (2010), Pusa Vijay (2008) R-552 (1980), Kiran (1988) Deepika (2007), Kartika (2005) JSF-1 (1987) JSF-99 (2006), AKS-207 (2007) Bastar Plateau 7 Distt. Vasundhara (2003), Pusa Agarani (2003), Pusa Bold (2001) Pusa Mustard-22 (2008) Kiran (1988) Indira Alsi-32 (2005), JLS-67 (2010) JSS-7 (1991), JSF-1 (1987) PBNS-40 (2007) Northern Hills 5 Distt. PT-303 (1984), JMT-689 (1995), Pusa Agarani (2003), Arawali (2001) Pusa Mustard-25 (2010) Kartika (2005), Deepika (2007) JSF-1 (1987), Nari-6 (2001) JSF-99 (2006)

10 Suitable varieties of Major Rabi Crops for different agro-climatic zone
Hybrid Maize Hybrid Sunflower Suitable Varieties CG Plains 15 Distt. NAC-6004 (2004), Hishell, 900 M Gold, PRO-300 (4640) KBSH-44 (1996), KBSH-1 (1992), Jwalamukhi, Kargil Bastar Plateau 7 Distt. NAC-6004 (2004), 30 V 92, VNR-4211, Hishell, 900 M Gold Northern Hills 5 Distt. Allrounder, DKC-8101, P 35010, 30 V 92, NAC-6004 (2004), VNR-4211 -

11 MEGHALAYA - List of most suitable varieties of major crop
Sl no. Crops Altitude Varieties 1 Paddy High Megh 1, Megh 2, Megh 3 Mid & Low HY: 6444, Loknath- 505 & 555, SPH-115, KRH- 2 HYV: Pantdhan-12, Ranjeet, MTU-1010, MTU-7029, IR-64, IR-36, Pankaj, Naveen, Gomati Improved variety: Bhalum 1, 2 & 3, Lampnah, Shahsarang 2 Maize Local yellow & Local white HY: Big Boss, Navjot, All Rounder HYV: Vijay composite, 3 Soybean High, Mid & Low JS-335, Bragg

12 Contd...... 4 Rape seed Mid & Low M-27 5 Jute Low JBO-2003 6 Wheat
Sonalika 7 Black gram T-9 8 Green gram K-851 9 Arhar ICPL-87 10 Lentil Aruna 11 Bengal gram A-1 12 Pea High Azad T-1(Kashmir), Pea imported(Sultan & National Seed Company), Cheerapunji(Local) Rachna

A. Cereal Crops i) Foot Hill/Plain/Lowland Paddy Variety Sl No Name of cultivars SARS Series 1 Ranjeet, HMT Sona, IET 8585, Jaya, IR-Series, Pankaj, Bahadur, Chinese Boro, MTU-1010, 7029, RCM-9, 10, 11, CAU-R-3, Nagaland Special, Khaibung, Thevürü, Rosholha 2 Hybrid – KRH2, DRRH2, Arize 6464, NPHS-4 Sl No Name of cultivars SARS Series 3 Mehourü SARS-6 4 Phedyu Shya SARS(W)-63 5 Manipuri SARS(W)-64 6 Kekhrielha SARS(W)-65 7 Phuratso SARS(W)-66 8 Kholaghi SARS(W)-67 9 Keproulha SARS(W)-68 10 Payjam SARS(W)-69 11 Kenyu Shya SARS(W)-70 12 Sanato SARS(W)-71

14 ii) Upland/Hill Paddy Variety (Both Jhum & TRC)
Sl No Name of cultivars SARS Series 1 Sungmangtsuk SARS-1 2 Longkumtsuk SARS-2 3 Kiretsuk SARS-3 4 Tangmotsuk SARS-4 5 Manen SARS-5 6 Yemso SARS-9 7 Lharamo SARS-12 8 Thekie SARS-14 9 Michiying SARS-31 10 Ongsho SARS-37 11 Matsaku SARS-52 12 Kezei SARS-53 13 Lengja SARS-54 14 Shengnya SARS-55 15 Shengnya Brown SARS-56 16 Bangnyak SARS-57 17 Longla SARS-58 18 Dhao Tip Nyak Wong SARS-59 Sl No Name of cultivars SARS Series 19 Zam SARS-60 20 Apuapa SARS-61 21 Meiduina SARS-62 22 Chishogi SARS-87 23 Koyepu SARS-89 24 Phiedyushya SARS-63 25 Phuratso SARS-66 26 Kholaghi SARS-67 27 Kenyushya SARS-70 28 Tsüli 29 Mehourü SARS-6 30 Kekhrielha SARS-65 31 Rosholha 32 Thevürü 33 Kemenya 34 RCM-9,10,11, CAU-R-3, MTU-1010

15 iii) Wheat iv) Maize Sl No Name of cultivars SARS Series 1
Sonalika, Pbw-343, VL709, HPW-42, HS365, HD2687 iv) Maize Sl No Name of cultivars SARS Series 1 Vijay Composite 2 HQPM 3 Chuchuyimpang SARS(Mz)-1 4 Anua SARS(Mz)-2 5 Rupelak SARS(Mz)-3 6 Turrda SARS(Mz)-4 7 Anua Aghuluo SARS(Mz)-5

16 Sl No Crops Name of cultivars SARS Series B Pulses 1 Arhar T-9, UPAS-120 2 Moong K-851 3 Rice bean Kerhü Rhüjo, Rhüdi, 4 Kholar Kholari 5 Pea Rachna, Aparna, Arkel C Oilseeds Soyabean Nungkyim SARS(Soya)-1 Ayikhu Aghulou SARS(Soya)-2 Longyang SARS(Soya)-3 JS-355, PK-1042 Sesamum GT-1, Til-1 Groundnut JL-24, T-24 Perilla Kenie Ketei, Kekra Mustard M-27, TS 36, TS 38 6 Linseed JLS-9, Y-23 D Others Potato K. Jyoti, K.Megha, K.Chandramukhi

17 Agro-climatic zone wise Suitable varieties of Wheat in U.P.
Area (Lakh Hac) Varieties 1 Tarai (11) 6.26 PBW-502, PBW-550, PBW-509, DBW-39, DBW-17, UP-2425, UP-2565 2 Western Plain (7) 6.29 UP-2967, DPW , PBW-550, PBW-502, DBW-39, DBW-17, UP-2425, PBW-343, WH-711 3 Central-Western Plain(7) 8.46 DPW , PBW-550, K-9351, PBW-502, DBW-39, DBW-17, DBW-16, UP-2425, 4 South-West semi arid (7) 11.29 K-9533, NW-1067, HD-2733, PBW-502, UP-2338, PBW-343 5 Central Plain(16) 22.9 DBW-17, K-9351, HD-2967, U.P.-2526, K-9533, U.P.-2572, U.P.-2425, K-307, K-9423, PBW-343

18 Agro-climatic zone wise Suitable varieties of Wheat in U.P.
Sl no Agro-climatic Zone Area (Lakh Hac) Varieties 6 Bundelkhand (7) 8.37 K-9533, K-9351, WH-1021, K-9423, CBW-38, WH-147, K-7903, Raj-4120, 7 North-East plain( 11) 13.09 PBW-550, PBW-343, ND-1067, NW-2036, HD-2967, U.P.-2425, CBW-38, HUW-234, 8 Eastern plain(13) 18.13 U.P.-2628, ND-1067, NW-2036, HD-2967, CBW-38, K-307, HUW-234, PBW-373, PBW-343 9 Vindhyan (3) 2.52 U.P.-2425, K-9423, NW-2036, NW-1067 U.P-2572, Raj-4120, HUW-234, Total 97.31

19 Agro-climatic zone wise Suitable varieties of Chick Pea in U.P.
Sl no Agro-Climatic Zone Varieties 1 Tarai (11) Avrodhi, KWR-108, WCG-1, WCG-2, Pusa-372 2 Western Plain (7) GNG-1581, KGD-1168, RSG-936, KWR-108, K-850, DCP-92-3, WCG-2, Pusa-372, Udai 3 Central -Western Plain(7) RSG-902 KGD-1168, RSG-936, KWR-108, DCP-92-3 WCG-1, WCG-2, Pusa-372, 4 South-West semi arid (7) RSG-945, RSG-902, KGD-1168, RSG-936, Avrodhi, KWR-108, DCP-92-3, Pusa-372 5 Central Plain(16) RSG-963, RSG-945, RSG-902, KGD-1168, RSG-936, KWR-108, K-850, DCP-92-3, WCG-1, Radhe

20 Issues for consideration
Under CSS scheme distribution subsidy on quality seeds is admissible only on varieties which are less than 10 year old, whereas there are varieties which are released over 10 year but still popular and performing well should also be considered under subsidy schemes There should be provision of risk mitigation by GOI to public/state seed corporations to compensate loss incurred due to unforseen conditions. Most of the States have not signed MoU with National Seed PSUs / State Seed PSUs.

ICAR, AP Centre to be involved for recommending agro-climatic zone specific crop varieties. Need upland suitable glutinous Rice variety for Arunachal. For farm practices such as jhum, there is a need for research on better performing varieties of rice.

22 Need for setting up of a seed certification agency in Meghalaya.
Need for cold tolerant varieties of paddy in North-Eastern States. Most of the States have not signed MoU with National Seed PSUs / State Seed PSUs.



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