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Day One: Listening to Learn

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Presentation on theme: "Day One: Listening to Learn"— Presentation transcript:

1 Day One: Listening to Learn

2 Listening Is An essential part of communication Not taught in school
A skill that can be learned 1-17

3 Why is listening a key skill of leadership?
It connects us with others. It helps us make decisions and solve problems. 1-18

4 “Seek first to understand, then be understood.” — Stephen Covey

5 Two Parts of Effective Listening
Active listening Empathetic listening 1-20

6 Active Listening Requires
Rephrasing and checking Nonjudgmental attitude 1-21

7 Empathetic Listening Requires
Putting the listener in the speaker’s place Seeing things from the speaker’s viewpoint Understanding how the speaker feels 1-22

8 Listening in Adversarial Situations
Respond to the listener’s manner. Create a productive framework with a positive stance. Cast conversation in a positive light. 1-23

9 Listeners should always strive to create a positive present as opposed to a negative past.

10 Tips on Giving Feedback
Is it helpful? Do others want it? Can it change a behavior? Is it specific? Does it describe behavior? How does it impact you? Does it contain an “I” statement? Did the recipient understand what you said? 1-25

11 You can give caring feedback without a good technique, but the slickest technique in the world will not hide a lack of caring. 1-26

12 Tips on Receiving Feedback
Seek out feedback. Listen carefully. Listen actively. Listen empathetically. Monitor your emotions. 1-27

13 Consider feedback to be a gift. It truly is one.

14 Listening to Learn Effective listening is a learned skill.
Listening is important to relationships and problem solving. Effective listening is both active and empathetic. Listening can turn a negative situation into a positive one. Listening is key to giving and receiving feedback. 1-29

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