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Presented by: Zach Cash

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1 Presented by: Zach Cash
Lee Taft Reaction Time Training for Sport Todd Durkin Eat, Sleep, Breathe What You Believe Presented by: Zach Cash

2 Taft’s Reaction Time Training
In many sports the key to winning is having a competitive advantage over the opponent. One way to gain this advantage is by accelerating an athlete’s reaction time to their opponents movement. Lee Taft created a 3 Tier method of training athletes to increase their reaction times in their particular sport. Tier 1-the direction is known but the time is unknown Tier 2- both time and direction are unknown Tier 3- both time and direction are unknown with the addition of very random movements is a fantastic instructor in these methods and has worked with many athletes from a variety of different sport backgrounds to help them enhance their reaction time.

3 Reaction Training Tier 1
Tier 1- the direction is known but the time is unknown Ball Drops- coach is holding a ball in each hand directly in front of the athlete. When the balls are dropped, the athletes will then react to that and start their motion forward attempting to catch the ball. Palm to Palm- two athletes stand face-to-face, hands 90° one on top of the other. Person on bottom attempts to slap top of partners hand. Quick Hips- athlete will stand in athletic stance chopping feet. The coach will then point in a known direction, and the athlete will flip their hips towards that direction and then back to the center as quickly as possible. Examples of this type of reaction could be performed with ball drops, palm to palm, or quick hips.

4 Reaction Training Tier 2
Tier 2- both time and direction are unknown Partner Reaction- two athletes stand face to face or side by side. Designate one as the starter, the other as the reactor. Starter then begins movement side to side or forward and reverse and the reactor must mirror partner. Ball Toss- similar to ball drops except the coach will toss the ball in an unknown direction, the athlete will then react and attempt to catch the ball as quickly as possible. Quick Hips- athlete will stand in athletic stance chopping feet. The coach will then point in a unknown direction, and the athlete will flip their hips towards that direction and then back to the center as quickly as possible. a. Examples of this type of training include partner reaction, ball toss, and quick hips

5 Reaction Training Tier 3
Tier 3- both time and direction are unknown with very random movements Ball Toss w/ Counter Toss- ball is tossed in an unknown direction. Once ball is caught another is thrown in another unknown direction. Partner Reaction- a great way to teach this is by playing tag games. The person is unpredictable in which direction they are going to move. Snap and Hold- Triple- stand in a sprinters stance with one leg up and arms ready at 90°, switch to the opposite side three times then hold. Process can also be performed with 1 switch, then 2 switches as part of Tier 1 and Tier 2

6 Summary Lee Taft’s methods can be used for any sport to help increase quickness and enhance reaction time. Start with Tier 1 and slowly progress to Tier 3 Tier 1- the direction is known but the time is unknown Tier 2- both time and direction are unknown Tier 3- the direction is unknown and the time are unknown with the addition of very random movements

7 Durkin’s Eat, Sleep, Breathe What You Believe
Who is Todd Durkin? Leader Motivator Family Man CRAZY!! In my own words I consider Todd Durkin a 1,2,3,4. When I think of Todd Durkin, I think of someone that I can trust to lead me down a path that I never before that was possible. After hearing this man speak at the conference I have a totally new mentality when it comes to achieving my life goals. By using Todd’s methods that I am going to talk about today, you just might help you or your clients become a better person in every aspect of life.

8 Method #1: Set up rules for your life.
Todd’s Rules of Life: Go to bed before 11pm EVERY night. Stick to his diet and avoid caffeine after 12 noon. Only 2 beers per month. Work out 45 min first thing EVERY morning. Do not turn on my phone until AFTER I am done with my morning routine. Power of ONE. Channel all his energy into one person and make them better today. Do not swear. Win the Day. W. L. A. G.’s= Wins, Losses, Ah-ha’s, Goals for the week every Sunday night Write everyday for at least 30 minutes. Positive interactions & communication with ALL people I interact with. I will motivate, inspire, and create IMPACT to 10 million men & women in my life. I will live my life guided by PASSION and PURPOSE. To understand that I cannot and will not please everyone.

9 My Rules for Life Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.
Do no drink soda EVER. Limit myself to only 2 coffee’s per day. Workout for a minimum of 30 minutes every day. Make time to be with my family EVERY DAY. Do not use my cellphone after 9pm. Count my W. L. A. G.’s at the end of each day. Bring positivity to the workplace EVERY DAY. Stop to HELP as many people as I can EVERY DAY. Read ONE new article EVERY DAY. Establish a 5 year plan and make a check list of how to achieve that goal.

10 Method #2: Create a Do Not List
Todd’s Do Not List: Do not hit snooze. Do not turn on the phone when you wake up. Do not check first thing in the morning. Do not immediately check cell phone for every text or call. Do not surf the internet before bed. Do not eat foods that make you feel sluggish or tired. Do not engage in conversation that that you have no control over. Do not engage in screen time 45 minutes before bed. Do not be guided by making decisions because of financial ramifications. Do not neglect family.

11 My Do Not List Do not stress over things I cannot control.
Do not make decisions based on emotions. Do not neglect family. Do not have any screen time 45 minutes before bed. Do not bring negative energy into the workplace. Do not eat out more than 3 times a month. Do not let fear get in the way of trying something new. Do not judge others or let others judge you. Do not act without first thinking things through. Do not use my cellphone while operating a vehicle.

12 Final Takeaways from Chicago 3 Day Summit
What I learned from Lee Taft’s presentation: Using Taft’s 3 Tier method in various sports Other forms of speed training Train athletes specifically for their sport instead of in general What I learned from Todd Durkin’s presentation: Create life goals Create a Do Not list

13 How am I going to use these tools in the future?
Myself Clients Future

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