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Climate Change at Windmill Primary School

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2 Climate Change at Windmill Primary School


4 Eco-schools Group Two children to represent each class from Years 1 to Year 6. The group meets every Friday lunchtime. They have a variety of projects that they work on which all have an environmental theme. Examples of projects include making bug homes, refashioning items of clothing and pond dipping This year Air Pollution has been one of the key themes.

5 Tackling Air Pollution
WOW (Living Streets) initiative supported by Oxfordshire County Council to encourage walking / cycling to school. STOP project supported by Oxford City Council including doing the Diffusion experiments. Air Pollution sensor installed at the front of the school. Anti-Idling campaigns. Schools Strike for Climate Change.

6 Wider Activities Across the School
School assemblies focussed on climate change. Health week with a focus on clean air. Whole school involved with Schools Strike for Climate Change House activity to make banners Each year group carried out activities all day linked to climate change. All day picket line on the school gate. 46 children joined the action in Oxford.

7 Continued:- Children have been given authorised absence to support further climate change days in Oxford. Climate change being built into the revised school curriculum as a key strand. Climate change to be a large part of the School Improvement Plan - all of the school practices to be reviewed to see where improvements can be made. A TA now employed to run Cycling Proficiency lessons every Friday afternoon 2 Cycle buses established by parents. Met with Counsellors to explore road closures.

8 Strengths at Windmill! Very supportive and proactive parents and governors. Children who are very passionate about climate change.

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