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Economic Policy interventions in the energy and mining sectors

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1 Economic Policy interventions in the energy and mining sectors
Mariam Kiggundu Senior Economist Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development 10/2/2019 #MoFPEDdoingmore

2 Energy in Uganda Power Subsector Renewable Energy‐ Atomic Energy
Power Generation Transmission Distribution/Rural Electrification Renewable Energy‐ Biomass(Wood & Charcoal, Cogeneration) Small Hydro, Solar, Wind, Geothermal Atomic Energy Nuclear for Power Production Petroleum subsector Oil and Gas Exploration, Development and Production Crude oil refining, Gas processing and conversion and bulk transportation Petroleum supply and distribution 10/2/2019 #MoFPEDdoingmore

3 National Oil and Gas Policy 2008
Goal: to use the country’s oil and gas resources to contribute to early achievement of poverty eradication and create lasting value to society Approved by Cabinet on 30th January 2008 Supersedes the 2002 Energy Policy Policy has 10 objectives each with strategic interventions 10/2/2019 #MoFPEDdoingmore

4 Achievements in policy implementation
Oil and Gas Revenue Management Policy developed in 2012 Enactment of PFM Act 2015 and regulations Establishment of the Petroleum Authority of Uganda, the Uganda National Oil company and a Directorate of Petroleum. Continuous human capital development, international accreditation Local content policy in oil and gas approved in July 2018 10/2/2019 #MoFPEDdoingmore

5 Mining Policy 2018 Goal: Develop the mining industry through increased investment, value addition, national participation and revenue generation to contribute significantly to socio-economic transformation and poverty eradication. Approved by Cabinet in April 2018 Supersedes 2001 Mining Policy 10/2/2019 #MoFPEDdoingmore

6 Strategic interventions of new policy
Regulatory frameworks that are comprehensive, stable, transparent, efficient and effective Develop and implement stable, transparent, predictable and competitive fiscal regimes Enhance collection and access to geological data Strengthen and build institutional and human capacity Mainstream and formalize artisanal and small scale mining operations Health, safety and environmental standards Equitable participation, ownership and decision making of vulnerable groups Promotion of investment in mining value addition Promotion of Local Content Promotion of Regional and International cooperation 10/2/2019 #MoFPEDdoingmore

7 Other interventions Extractives Industry Transparency Initiative
Presidential directives on exporting raw minerals 10/2/2019 #MoFPEDdoingmore

8 10/2/2019 #MoFPEDdoingmore

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