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Changes in the KYTC Noise Policy

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1 Changes in the KYTC Noise Policy

2 Last revised in late 1999 Noise model could be either TNM or Stamina
Noise abatement considered only on Type I Projects Cost Effective Factor set at $250 per person affected

3 2006 Revisions Noise model specified as TNM 2.5 or latest version

4 2006 Revisions Noise model specified as TNM 2.5 or latest version
“Type II” projects are being given consideration as “State funded retrofit” projects

5 2006 Revisions Noise model specified as TNM 2.5 or latest version
“Type II” projects are being given consideration as “State funded retrofit” projects Cost Effective Factor is being revised

6 2006 Revisions Increased involvement of the project team in the decision making process and public involvement

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