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The Spectrum of Ketogenic Therapies fat exonerated

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1 The Spectrum of Ketogenic Therapies fat exonerated
Beth Zupec-Kania, RDN The Charlie Foundation for Ketogenic Therapies

2 Objectives 1. Describe biological fuels & metabolic impact
2. Define “Spectrum of KD Therapies” 3. Identify resources 4. Test your knowledge

3 Biological fuels on ketogenic diets
1. Fat 2. Carbohydrate 3. Protein 2014

4 Processed carbs; high-carb & high GI

5 Natural food carbs – low carb, low GI

6 Glucose curves on high carb diet
LEVEL Carbohydrate: Hi GI Carbohydrate: Low GI Protein Fat 150 100 70 60 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours 5 hours

7 Glucose curves on ketogenic diet
LEVEL Carbohydrate: sugars Carbohydrate: complex Protein Fat 150 100 70 60 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours 5 hours

8 Ketone production reduces insulin need

9 Biological fuels and epilepsy Masino & Rho
Adenosine: Masino & Rho

10 Spectrum of diet therapies – 1000kcal
Ratio Fat gm Pro gm Carb g Ketogenic 4: 3: 2: 1: Mod Atkins 1: LGIT 1: MCT Diet 1: Regular diet 0.2:

11 Carbohydrate 1. Not an essential nutrient.
2. We can make glucose from protein and fat. 3. USDA guidelines: gm/d 2015 is up for discussion: USDA is accepting comments thru 4/15

12 Define “low carb” diets
“Level of carbohydrate below which there is a fundamental shift in your body’s fuel use away from glucose as primary fuel nutritional ketosis and ketoadaptation.” Art & Science of Low Carb Living. Jeff Volek RD, PhD

13 But how much carb? Adults - 50 gm/d complex carbs = BHB 1mmol/L Volek et al Children gm/day complex carbs = 4-6mmol/L O’Connor Abstract AES

14 Carbohydrate additives
Corn syrup solids Cornstarch Dextrin Dextrose Disaccharide Fructose Glucose Glycerin High-fructose corn syrup Invert syrup Lactose Levulose Maltodextrin Maltose Mannitol Molasses Monosaccharide Polydextrose Polysaccaride Propylene glycol Sorghum Sorbitol Starch Sucrose Sugarcane Syrup Xyloitol Xylose

15 Carbohydrate catastrophes on keto diets
Diet beverages 2. Medications 3. Dextrose or Propylene glycol in IV ______the impact on metabolism & health Share the ways in which the CF is….. 6-8gm

16 Fat exhonerated!

17 Fat exhonerated! Three metanalysis including a total of 1 million people concluding no association between saturated fat intake and cardiovascular disease. Ann Nutr Metab, (1-3): p Am J Clin Nutr, (5): p Am J Clin Nutr, (3): p

18 Fat – how much, what type? Main sources of fat in US diet are seed and nut oils however these are also high in omega-6 Too much omega 6 can interfere with omega3 metabolism. Essential fatty acids can be met -1% of energy

19 Fat – how much and what type?
“50:50 mixture of saturated fat and olive oil approximates composition of human body fat” J. Volek, RD, PHD

20 Questions that we don’t have answers for
How long to use ketogenic therapies? How deep into ketosis? For epilepsy? For other conditions?

21 Resources to support you
Conference Ap – PPTs, Keto Primer, education documents Charlie Foundation for Ketogenic Therapies Academy Nutrition & Dietetics: practice guidelines pending International League Against Epilepsy – Dietary Committee

22 Experience is the best teacher!

23 It’s a new way of eating

24 Test 1 - Waffles

25 Test 2 - Hot cereal

26 Test 3 – Green smoothies

27 Test 4 – Mac-n-Cheese

28 Test 5 – Spaghetti & sauce

29 Thank you to the Abrahams family !

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