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To Science or Human Influences on the Environment Class

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Presentation on theme: "To Science or Human Influences on the Environment Class"— Presentation transcript:

1 To Science or Human Influences on the Environment Class
Welcome To Science or Human Influences on the Environment Class

2 Who Am I? Mrs. Valerie Mansberger
Graduate from Wilson High School and Shippensburg Graduate of Wilkes University Master’s Degree in Online Education

3 My Teaching Career Full time since February, Started teaching half day at Central Dauphin High School and East High School. Taught 7th grade life science at Swatara Middle School for 3 years. Full time at East High School since the fall of 2002.

4 Courses that I teach Currently I am teaching Science and Human Influences on the Environment. Previously I have taught biology, life science, and chemistry.

5 Syllabus and Class Information
The syllabus can be found on my website along with other class assignments and expectations.

6 Class Expectations and Homework Policy
Can also be found on my website. My grading scale is 50% Tests 25% Quizzes 25% Classwork/Other

7 Communication with Parents
I prefer to send s unless there is a major issue that must be addressed more personally. Please contact me whenever you see a concern. is preferred but if you leave me a message I will call at my earliest convenience.

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