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The Great Hamster Massacre

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1 The Great Hamster Massacre
Katie Davies The Great Hamster Massacre

2 Illustrations by Hannah Shaw

3 About the book The Great Hamster Massacre, written in The book has179 pages and long describing scentences, which are not always grammatically correct (written from a child’s perspective). The book is easy to follow but has some tricky parts. The main character is Anna, a nine year old girl. Other important characters in the book are Tom, Anna’s younger brother and Suzanne, Anna’s best friend. And also, Mum and Dad, Nanna and the neighbours. massacre [mass-a-ker] + noun a general slaughter of persons or animals: ’the massacre of millions during the war’

4 This is a book about wanting a pet so bad you’ll do almost anything to get it… It is also a book about life with yelling parents, unfair rules and doing things you’re not supposed to… This is a book about how you feel when someone dies… And it is also a book about friendship, arguing and making up plans together… This is a murder investigation novel.

5 How you can work with 4th graders

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