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Practical Advice for a Successful Engagement

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Presentation on theme: "Practical Advice for a Successful Engagement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Practical Advice for a Successful Engagement
Online Community Practical Advice for a Successful Engagement ChurchTechCamp 2008 John Saddington -

2 John Saddington -
Agenda Introduction Online Community: Problems Why Participate: Five Reasons What: Seven Elements of Success Community is Not the Goal Q/A ChurchTechCamp 2008 John Saddington -

3 John Saddington -
Introduction I love Jesus Christ I like web technology… a lot. I I North Point Ministries I build random web applications I dream of a redeemed internet ChurchTechCamp 2008 John Saddington -

4 John Saddington -
Community Failure Just “Because” is a Terrible Reason Forgetting Uncle Ben Mission? Vision? Think & Target Specifically Proverbs 11:14 & 20:18 Ask the Hard Questions 11:14 - Where there is no guidance the people fall, But in abundance of counselors there is victory. 20:18 - Prepare plans by consultation, And make war by wise guidance. ChurchTechCamp 2008 John Saddington -

5 John Saddington -
Why Participate? Research > Listen Marketing > Talking Sales > Energizing Support > Supporting Development > Embracing All-In-One Approach May Not Work Source: Forrester Research, Inc. ChurchTechCamp 2008 John Saddington -

6 John Saddington -
The Seven Elements Ownership and User Customization Getting and Giving Feedback Exchanges and Gifting Collecting Things Earning Points Competition Christ ChurchTechCamp 2008 John Saddington -

7 John Saddington -
Not the Goal Community is Not the Goal Eventual and Inevitable By-Product Eliminates Ambiguity Cultivates Need Establish Reason for Being & Purpose Goal-Setting & Metrics Eventual and Inevitable By-Product of a specific and collective purpose. ChurchTechCamp 2008 John Saddington -

8 John Saddington -
Q/A & Wrap-Up Challenges & Next Steps Why Mission: 10 Words or Less The “Win”: 10 Word or Less Courageously Innovate Eliminate Waste ChurchTechCamp 2008 John Saddington -

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