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Genesis Dig Site 17 Blue Level Questions.

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1 Genesis Dig Site 17 Blue Level Questions

2 What happened because of the famine in Canaan? (42:3-5)
People from Canaan went to Egypt to buy grain. Jacob sent 10 of his sons to Egypt. Jacob did not send Benjamin with his brothers. All of the above

3 What happened because of the famine in Canaan? (42:3-5)
People from Canaan went to Egypt to buy grain. Jacob sent 10 of his sons to Egypt. Jacob did not send Benjamin with his brothers. All of the above

4 Where did the people go to buy grain? (42:2, 5)
Canaan Egypt Haran Moriah

5 Where did the people go to buy grain? (42:2, 5)
Canaan Egypt Haran Moriah

6 How many of Jacob’s sons went to Egypt to buy grain? (42:3)
Two Five Ten Twelve

7 How many of Jacob’s sons went to Egypt to buy grain? (42:3)
Two Five Ten Twelve

8 Which of his sons did Jacob not send? (42:4)
Joseph Reuben Benjamin Simeon

9 Which of his sons did Jacob not send? (42:4)
Joseph Reuben Benjamin Simeon

10 Who was the governor who sold grain to all the people in the land of Egypt? (42:6)
Pharaoh Potiphar Joseph The cupbearer

11 Who was the governor who sold grain to all the people in the land of Egypt? (42:6)
Pharaoh Potiphar Joseph The cupbearer

12 What happened when Joseph’s brothers arrived in Egypt? (42:6-8)
They went to see the governor who sold grain. They bowed down before Joseph. They did not recognize Joseph. All of the above

13 What happened when Joseph’s brothers arrived in Egypt? (42:6-8)
They went to see the governor who sold grain. They bowed down before Joseph. They did not recognize Joseph. All of the above

14 What did Joseph do when he recognized his brothers? (41:7-9)
He pretended not to know them. He spoke harshly to them. He said they were spies. All of the above

15 What did Joseph do when he recognized his brothers? (41:7-9)
He pretended not to know them. He spoke harshly to them. He said they were spies. All of the above

16 What happened when the brothers got to Egypt? (42:7-9)
Joseph would not sell them grain. Joseph accused them of being spies. Joseph would not see them. There was no more grain.

17 What happened when the brothers got to Egypt? (42:7-9)
Joseph would not sell them grain. Joseph accused them of being spies. Joseph would not see them. There was no more grain.

18 How did the brothers describe themselves? (42:11)
They were sons of one man. They were honest men. They were not spies. All of the above

19 How did the brothers describe themselves? (42:11)
They were sons of one man. They were honest men. They were not spies. All of the above

20 What else did the brothers tell Joseph about their family? (42:13)
One brother died as a baby, the other ran away. The youngest brother was with their father, the other was no more. Two brothers died in battle. Two brothers died from the famine.

21 What else did the brothers tell Joseph about their family? (42:13)
One brother died as a baby, the other ran away. The youngest brother was with their father, the other was no more. Two brothers died in battle. Two brothers died from the famine.

22 What did Joseph do after his brothers said they were honest men
He asked them trick questions to be sure. He sent them home right away. He put them in prison for three days. He made them prove they were shepherds.

23 What did Joseph do after his brothers said they were honest men
He asked them trick questions to be sure. He sent them home right away. He put them in prison for three days. He made them prove they were shepherds.

24 Why did Joseph plan to test his brothers? (41:15-16)
He was angry and wanted to hurt them. He wanted to see them suffer before he told them the truth. He wanted to know if they were telling the truth. The Bible does not say.

25 Why did Joseph plan to test his brothers? (41:15-16)
He was angry and wanted to hurt them. He wanted to see them suffer before he told them the truth. He wanted to know if they were telling the truth. The Bible does not say.

26 What happened to Joseph’s brothers after three days in prison
All 10 brothers went back to Canaan. Reuben became a slave in Joseph’s household. Jacob came to Egypt to get them out of prison. Nine brothers went home, but one had to stay in Egypt.

27 What happened to Joseph’s brothers after three days in prison
All 10 brothers went back to Canaan. Reuben became a slave in Joseph’s household. Jacob came to Egypt to get them out of prison. Nine brothers went home, but one had to stay in Egypt.

28 What order did Joseph give about the silver the brothers brought
The silver was to go into the treasury. Each man’s silver was to be returned to him. The silver was to be used to feed the poor of Egypt. All of the above

29 What order did Joseph give about the silver the brothers brought
The silver was to go into the treasury. Each man’s silver was to be returned to him. The silver was to be used to feed the poor of Egypt. All of the above

30 What happened when the brothers returned to Canaan? (42:29)
They told Jacob all that happened. They agreed not to tell Jacob anything that happened. They did not return to Jacob. All of the above

31 What happened when the brothers returned to Canaan? (42:29)
They told Jacob all that happened. They agreed not to tell Jacob anything that happened. They did not return to Jacob. All of the above

32 What did Reuben try to convince Jacob to do? (42:36-37)
Allow Benjamin to come with them to Egypt. Send more money to buy grain. Come to Egypt himself. All of the above

33 What did Reuben try to convince Jacob to do? (42:36-37)
Allow Benjamin to come with them to Egypt. Send more money to buy grain. Come to Egypt himself. All of the above

34 How did Jacob say he was deprived by his sons? (42:36)
They used all his money to buy grain. They had deprived him of his children. They sold all his possessions to buy grain. All of the above

35 How did Jacob say he was deprived by his sons? (42:36)
They used all his money to buy grain. They had deprived him of his children. They sold all his possessions to buy grain. All of the above

36 Which sons had Jacob been deprived of? (42:36)
Joseph and Simeon Reuben and Judah Issachar and Dan Manasseh and Ephraim

37 Which sons had Jacob been deprived of? (42:36)
Joseph and Simeon Reuben and Judah Issachar and Dan Manasseh and Ephraim

38 What did Reuben say to his father regarding Benjamin? (42:37)
“You may put both of his sons to death if I do not bring him back to you.” “Entrust him to my care.” “I will bring him back.” All of the above

39 What did Reuben say to his father regarding Benjamin? (42:37)
“You may put both of his sons to death if I do not bring him back to you.” “Entrust him to my care.” “I will bring him back.” All of the above

40 What did Jacob do after Reuben tried to convince him to let Benjamin come to Egypt? (42:38)
He said Benjamin was the only son left, his brother was dead. He said if Benjamin was harmed, he would go down to the grave in sorrow. He would not allow Benjamin to go. All of the above

41 What did Jacob do after Reuben tried to convince him to let Benjamin come to Egypt? (42:38)
He said Benjamin was the only son left, his brother was dead. He said if Benjamin was harmed, he would go down to the grave in sorrow. He would not allow Benjamin to go. All of the above

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