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ADVANCED A.I. INSIGHTS : Legal & Regulatory Considerations

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1 ADVANCED A.I. INSIGHTS : Legal & Regulatory Considerations
Mark Reynolds , Vice President, Legal & Regulatory Affairs, GT&T CANTO 35TH Annual Conference Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago July 24, 2019

2 Checklist for A.I. Governance & Regulation
Ex post rules – Flexible and consultative Review of National Laws have taken place in some jurisdictions. System of Codes and Practice at the Agency ( Quasi- Judicial Level) Increased focus on Intellectual Property Rights ( ‘IPR’) Determination of liability of operators vs. creators of A.I.

3 Checklist for Operators and Purchasers of A.I.
Impact on the Human Capital – What are programs implemented to address? – Labour Laws are important. Where is the data stored and how is it being used? What contractual terms are in place? What is the level of human control needed? Read, check and engage in cross functional dialogue regarding the implementation of the program Are there patents and/or copyrights attached to the program?. Determination of Liability – Creators vs. Operators?

4 Collective Next Steps for Regulators and Operators
Reinforcement of Light Touch & Ex-Post principles of Regulations. Updating of Patent and Copyright Laws Regionally. Pooled Investment Scheme Regarding A.I. Programming. Public and Private Sector Capacity Building regarding the implementation and effects of A.I. Programs and Practices.

5 Let us Discuss and Find solutions together
QUESTIONS? Let us Discuss and Find solutions together Thank You

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