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A J Dupree Copyrights Better Communication ubbles orever lowing.

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2 A J Dupree Copyrights Better Communication ubbles orever lowing


4 Healthy eating means eating the right types of food and eating the right amounts of food to support a healthy lifestyle. There are five food groups to choose from when planning a meal. The five food groups include dairy (milk products), grain (breads), fruits, vegetables, and meat (protein). Along with this, an adequate amount of sweets is a serious consideration for healthy eaters.

5 Healthy eating can vary depending on weight and height
Healthy eating can vary depending on weight and height. Calculations of weight and height refer to the body - mass index (BMI). The body-mass index is a formula for determining adequate ranges of individuals' weight and height. The body - mass index measures can vary for children and adults. This means depending on one's age, a healthy BMI can be different.

6 Furthermore, illnesses can require that folks eat more of one food group and less of another food group. For example, a person with hypertension will need to reduced the amount of salty foods he/she eats. This means meats and other foods with high sodium levels will need to be avoided because sodium is a major ingredient of salt.

7 Most diets encourage vegetables, fruits, dairy, grain, and a safe amount of protein. These food groups carry nutrients that bodies need to stay healthy. The nutritional value of all foods is not the same and should be considered when planning meals. Some necessary nutrients include vitamin C, B, A, calcium, protein, and potassium. Magnesium, and antioxidants are other nutritious minerals found in these food groups.

8 What are the 5 major food groups?
Dairy, fruit, grain, starch, and vegetables Dairy, fruit, grain, water, and vegetables Dairy, fruit, grain, sugar, and protein Dairy, fruit, grain, protein, and vegetables



11 Which of the following is not a vegetable?
Cucumber Potato Squash Apple



14 Which of the following is an adequate source of dairy?
Grapefruit Banana Onion Cheese



17 Which of the following is an adequate source of protein
Pasta Chicken Banana Green beans



20 Which of the following is NOT a good source of nutrition from fruit?
Apple Orange Honey dew melon Green beans



23 Eating moderate amounts of sweets is NOT important.
True False



26 There are 5 major food groups.
True False



29 The Body Mass Index refers to height and shoe size.
True False



32 BMI stands for Body Measure Index
True False



35 Boys and girls do not have the same BMI as men and women.
True False



38 The end

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