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Communication in care settings.

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1 Communication in care settings.
Communication in Early years Tina Riggs.

2 Early Years Foundation Stage.
Personal and social development Communication, language and literacy Physical development. Creative development. Knowledge and understanding of the world. Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy. Plan from child’s interests and leads.

3 Types of communication.
Oral communication Facial expressions and gestures. Written communication. Computerised communication Special methods.

4 Oral communication. It is essential in Early years to ensure that oral communication is included in all aspects of the routine and care provided for the children. Staff provide positive role models to the children and need to maintain good communication with colleagues. Model good language and introduce new vocabulary. Be patient!

5 Ranges of skills from a practitioner include;
Tone of voice. Pace of voice Eye contact Facial expression Clarifying Empathising

6 Resources to support oral communication.

7 Oral communication in Early years.
Sharing information between parents/carers, children and staff. Children need to see this as a positive experience. Praise is essential, use tone of voice and facial expressions. Praise must be specific.

8 Oral communication with children.
Stories and more! Oral stories. Puppets Praise Descriptive language Model new vocabulary

9 Good practitioners are those who take time to listen!

10 Written communication in Early years.
Recording observations. These observations are used to inform planning. This information is essential in the assessment of a child's development and enabling them to meet next steps in development. IEP’s are designed from observations.

11 How this information is used.

12 Written documentation currently used in Early years.
Contact information Information about child. (Unique child booklet.) Written consent. Daily diaries and registers Plans and IEP’s Routines.

13 Written information used in Early years continued….
Items are clearly labelled. Develops recognition. Story books Words to rhymes and songs. Writing area for children. Name labels ‘My special book’

14 Encouraging young children to read and write.
Large paper Dough Manipulative and fine motor skills. Large instruments. No worksheets or products! (Process) Encourage mark making. Letters and sounds(DFES) phase 1 only!

15 Computerised communication.
Use of computers and E mails between colleagues and outside agencies. With children in setting. Interactive whiteboards Electronic toys and equipment. Use of PC’s and internet. Phones and calculators.

16 Factors that support and inhibit communication.
Positioning; space and height. Emotional development. Environment; lighting, space etc. Special needs. Closed questions. Tasks too detailed not explained clearly. Too much noise. Timing of the communication.

17 Special Methods of communication.
Makaton and sign language. Why do we use this? Who would recommend this? Who it benefits? How long to get trained?

18 Picture exchange communication system.

19 How do we use PEC’s? The 6 phases.
Phase I Teaches students to initiate communication by sharing a picture to communicate. Phase 2 Teaches students to be persistent communicators- to actively seek out their pictures and to travel to someone to make a request Phase 3 Teaches students to discriminate pictures and to select the picture that represents the item they want Phase 4 Teaches students to use sentence structure to make a request in the form of “I want ____.” Phase 5 Teaches students to respond to the question “What do you want?” Phase 6 Teaches students to comment about things in their environment. Expanding Vocabulary Encourages them to use attributes such as colours, shapes and sizes within their requests.

20 Example of PEC’s cards used.

21 New approaches to communication.
ECAT- Every child’s a talk- National strategy. NEW! Letters and sounds- National Communication friendly spaces.-National approach. Stories and more – Local approach. Talk and taste- Local.

22 New approaches to developing communication.
Communication friendly spaces. Created by E.Jarman.

23 How to create an effective space for children to communicate.
Look at unused areas in the setting. Relates to Enabling environments. Links to the EYFS.

24 How it benefits communication in early years!
A quiet space allows children to develop confidence. Calm colours creates a quieter relaxed atmosphere and encourages discussion. De-cluttering improves spaces and enables smaller spaces in the setting to be used more effectively.

25 Within the setting practitioners must include the following care values.
Promote equality and diversity. Through posters, books, displays and equipment. Maintaining confidentiality. Promoting individual rights and beliefs. Remember- people from other cultures have different gestures and expressions.

26 Theories used in child care!
SOLER – used through communication however adult needs to be at child height. Mirroring – to create trust. Bowlby’s attachment theory. Key person approach.

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