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Lightning Dismissal Procedures

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1 Lightning Dismissal Procedures
If a lightning dismissal is called, we will send an and text message, put a message stating we are under lighting dismissal on the school marquee and post red signs in the cafe, office and media center windows. If you are somewhere you can't view any of those locations, a good rule of thumb would be.....if you do not see WMSS staff outside, we are most likely under lightning dismissal. We are following these procedures when it is UNSAFE for anyone to be outside: 1)No students go to the car loops or media center. 2)If you CHOOSE to pick up your child(ren) during lightning dismissal, you must go to the cafeteria, show your ID, obtain a badge, then pick up your child from their classroom. 3)This is optional, you may choose to wait until the lightning subsides and the car loops begin. 4) You will be required to sign your child(ren) out with the teacher, so please be patient as each teacher will have 18 to 22 students to sign out. 5) During lightning dismissal, please DO NOT drive into the car loops. You will need to park in the front parking lot, back parking lot against the fence, or behind the tennis courts. 6) Once the lightning has subsided we will send students to the car loops and cafeteria. We will open the loops for cars at that time. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you, but all Brevard County Schools will be following the same policy for dismissal during lightning. If there is not lightning, or the possibility of lightning, we will follow our regular dismissal procedures. (2019)

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