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Quantum Monte Carlo in the Apuan Alps V

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1 Quantum Monte Carlo in the Apuan Alps V
Vallico Sotto, Tuscany, July 25~August 1, 2009 QMC studies of (i) transition metal clusters and (ii) surface adsorption Ching-Ming Wei Institute of Atomic & Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, TAIWAN In collaboration with: Cheng-Rong Hsing, Jyh-Pin Chou, Hsin-Yi Chen Chun-Ming Chang (NDHU), Cheng Ching (NCKU) Neil Drummond, Richard Needs (Cambridge)

2 Institute of Atomic & Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Outline Systems Studied by plane wave based DFT Surface states of Be(1010), Mg(1010) and Al(111) QSE of metallic thin films Pb(111), Al(111), Pb(100) New structural model of Nan / Si(111) 7x7 surface QSE and Mackay Transition of Pb clusters (up to Pb923) Failure of DFT  Quantum Monte Carlo needed …… Quantum Monte Carlo in real material systems (i) B, C, Al clusters; (ii) Li, Be, Mg, Na clusters (iii) Cu and Au clusters  DFT is a good tool for the study of metallic clusters Single atom adsorbed on graphite CO/Pt(111) adsorption puzzle? 3. Summary and Conclusion Ab-Initio Simulation Lab. Institute of Atomic & Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

3 Surface states of Be(1010 ) Phys Rev. B 2008, S.-J. Tang
What can we learn from DFT?






9 Quantum Size Effect (QSE) in metal thin films
Pb/Si(111): Flat-top islands of selective heights Heights of abundant islands differ by bilayer increments The in-plane lattice constant of Pb(111) is 9% smaller than that of the Si(111) substrate. W. B. Su et al. PRL 86, 5116 (2001) STM image (300 nm  300 nm), taken with the sample bias of 2 V, of Pb islands grown on Si(111) substrate at 200 K and coverage of 3.2 ML.

10 Quantum Size Effect (QSE) in metal thin films
STM results by Hanno H. Weitering’s group (2004) Why such flat films can grow? Why a bi-layer growth mode? What is the role of substrate? Si(111)(√3×√3)R30°-Pb(α) (a ~ f)

11 Quantum Size Effects in Metal Thin Films
(b) Fermi level cuts the p band, determine kF with reference to L, kF ~ 0.45 p/d, DD = lF/2 = 2.2 d (d is the interlayer distance). A clear bi-layer oscillation feature of the system properties will be seen due to the Fermi wave vector along (111) direction; e.g. surface energy (a) and work function (b) of Pb(111) films as a function of the film thickness.


13 Surface Relaxations of Pb(111) Metal Thin Films
First three interlayer spacings (d12, d23, d34) shifted from the bulk positions of Pb (111) thin films as a function of film thickness (N). A clear bi-layer feature (N < 12) is seen due to Fermi wave vector along the (111) direction.

14 S. Hasagewa et al. (2008)

15 It is possible to study how the dangling bond
orbitals changes after Na atoms adsorption in a very short time (a few days)!

16 Mackay Structural Transition of Metallic Nanoparticles:
possible shell structures of nano particles Decahedral: 10 (111) faces + 5 (100) faces Icosahedral: 20 (111) faces Cubotohedral: 8 (111) faces + 6 (100) faces No. of particles for icosahedral, decahedral & cubotohedral N= 10/3 n3+ 5 n2 +11/3 n+1 N= (n=1) ; (n=2) 147 (n=3) ; (n=4) 561 (n=5) ; 923 (n=6) ………… V & S of 3 structures is basically the same ! Stability & structural transition ?

17 Ab-Initio Simulation Lab.
Institute of Atomic & Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

18 Structure Phase Transition of Icosahedral  Cubotohedral
Mackay transition Acta Cryst. 15, p916 (1962) ico if fcc if s= 0 Ab-Initio Simulation Lab. Institute of Atomic & Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

19 Barrier heights (~10 meV) of ICO  FCC transition of Pb clusters oscillate with the shell index (or radius of cluster) indicates the possible Quantum Size Effect of the melting points ? Ab-Initio Simulation Lab. Institute of Atomic & Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

20 Density Functional Theory is great, and why do we need to bother by
Quantum Monte Carlo ? For Al55 cluster : QMC need 64CPU run 2days, but DFT only takes ~ 1 cpu hour ! A factor of 3000 or even more!

21 Which Au38 is a more stable structure?
Efcc= eV (LDA) EO_h= eV Efcc= eV (PBE) EO_h= eV Efcc= eV (PW91) EO_h= eV DErel > 2.5 eV… need more accurate methods? QMC Ab-Initio Simulation Lab. Institute of Atomic & Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

22 Motivation? Metal atom adsorbed on Graphite Will DFT with different ExCs give a consistent and correct adsorption energy? Ab-Initio Simulation Lab. Institute of Atomic & Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

23 DFT has little predictive power! Need QMC!!!
Ab-Initio Simulation Lab. Institute of Atomic & Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

24 trans-stilbene/Ag-Ge(111) cis-stilbene/Ag-Ge(111)
Eads= eV (LDA) Eads= eV (LDA) LDA agrees expt., but… Eads ~ 0.40 & 0.20 eV (PW91) and again DFT with very little predicting power!!! Ab-Initio Simulation Lab. Institute of Atomic & Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

25 QMC studies of metallic clusters
B, C, Al clusters Li, Be, Mg, Na clusters Cu and Au clusters Let us start with DFT……

26 Methodology (44 metallic elements) n : normal (without semi-core)
s : s-type semi-core state p : p-type semi-core state d : d-type semi-core state Three kinds of PPs Two kinds of PPs Group 1 Group 2 Group 13 3 bcc 4 hcp Only one kind of PP 5 hcp 6 Li Be B C (n, ,s) (n, ,s) 11 bcc 12 hcp 13 hcp 14 Na Mg Al Si Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 Group 12 (n,p,s) (n,p, ) (n, , ) 19 bcc 20 fcc 21 hcp 22 hcp 23 bcc 24 bcc 25 cubic complex 26 bcc 27 hcp 28 fcc 29 fcc 30 hcp 31 complex 32 diamond K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge ( ,p,s) ( , ,s) ( , ,s) (n,p,s) (n,p,s) (n,p, ) (n,p, ) (n,p, ) (n, , ) (n,p, ) (n,p, ) (n, , ,d) (n, , ,d) 37 bcc 38 fcc 39 hcp 40 hcp 41 bcc 42 bcc 43 hcp 44 hcp 45 fcc 46 fcc 47 fcc 48 hcp 49 tetr 50 diamond Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn ( ,p,s) ( , ,s) ( , ,s) ( , ,s) ( ,p,s) (n,p, ) (n,p, ) (n,p, ) (n,p, ) (n,p, ) (n, , ) (n, , ,d) (n, , ,d) 55 bcc 56 bcc 57 hex 72 hcp 73 bcc 74 bcc 75 hcp 76 hcp 77 fcc 78 fcc 79 fcc 80 81 hcp 82 hcp Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb ( , ,s) ( , ,s) (n, , ) (n,p, ) (n,p, ) (n,p, ) (n,p, ) (n,p, ) (n, , ) (n, , ) (n, , ) (n, , ) (n, , ,d)

(nine isomer structure) Five high-symmetry three-dimensional structures and four low-symmetry layer-type structures. ICO FCC DEC BCC HCP BBP TBP GCL CAG Top view Top view Top view Side view Side view Side view hexagonal array (7) + central square (4) + side atoms (2) hexagonal array (7) + triangle (6) triangle (3) + atoms (7) + triangle (3) one atom (1) + double square (6) + double square (6)

28 Methodology A n-dimensional displacement vector Here, n=9
XC functional A n-dimensional displacement vector M : metal element (a) : semi-core state Here, n=9 The relative energy definition : : the total energy of a certain isomer : the average energy of all the isomers

29 Results and Discussion
Group A (XC dependence) (XC dependence) Hereafter, (pv) means PP with p-type semi-core state (sv) means PP with s-type semi-core state (d) means PP with d-type semi-core state

30 Results and Discussion
Group A (PP dependence) (PP dependence) The consistency between GGAs is better than that between LDA and GGA. Despite a small deviation in the relative energy for one or two isomers in some elements, the calculated results from LDA and GGA are consistent and reliable. PPs without semi-core lead to reliable results.

31 Results and Discussion
Group B (XC dependence) (XC dependence) The consistency between GGAs is better than that between LDA and GGA

32 Results and Discussion
Group B (XC dependence) (XC dependence)

33 Results and Discussion
Group B (XC dependence) (XC dependence) The consistency of the three XC functionals in 4d and 5d are better than that in 3d. For Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Rh clusters, the usages of LDA and GGA produce different results.

34 Results and Discussion
Group B (PP dependence) (PP dependence) The usage of deeper semi-core states in the PPs is inevitable for V, Cr, and Mo.

35 CASINO code : QMC Methods
R.J. Needs, M.D. Towler, N.D. Drummond and P. López Ríos, CASINO version 2.1 User Manual, University of Cambridge, Cambridge (2007).

36 DFT & QMC calculation of – John and Needs pseudopotentials
C20, B18, B20, Al13, and Al55 clusters – John and Needs pseudopotentials

37 Clusters C20 B18 B20 DFT is much better at predicting realtive energy ordering of the metallic clusters than the covalent ones. Different XC functionals predicts relative stabilities of the metallic clusters consistently, but this is not the case for the covalent clusters. Al13 Al55 Cluseter θ L LDA PBE C20 58.49 22.59 1.189 0.312 B18 72.73 21.11 0.592 0.596 B20 57.64 16.01 0.639 0.691 Al13 3.21 0.44 0.844 0.845 Al55 1.51 0.722 0.788

38 CASTEP & CASINO calculation of
Li, Na, K, Be, and Mg clusters – comparison of optimal and TM pseudopotentials (opium code)

39 OPT Pseudopotentials angle θ L Li13 0.67 0.99 Na13 3.32 1.11 K13 4.28

40 angle θ L Be13 4.29 1.06 Mg13 3.21 1.02

41 Li13 3E-TM-1.00A 1E-opt-1.75A and 3E(VASP)

42 Li13 3E-TM-1.00A 1E-opt-1.75A DLDA-1E DVMC DVASP degree 4.40 27.76
4.25 L 1.01 1.51 1E-opt-1.75A DLDA-1E DVMC DVASP degree 5.33 5.83 7.59 L 1.04 1.43 0.83

43 Be13 TM-1.8A opt-1.35A

44 Be13 TM-1.8A opt-1.35A DLDA DVMC DVASP degree 13.70 10.80 11.57 L 1.02
1.26 0.97 opt-1.35A DLDA DVMC DVASP degree 13.44 9.47 10.78 L 1.02 1.23 0.97

45 Mg13 TM-1.8A opt-1.65A

46 Mg13 TM-1.8A opt-1.65A DLDA DVMC DVASP degree 5.66 11.15 6.76 L 0.95
0.87 0.98 opt-1.65A DLDA DVMC DVASP degree 5.09 10.35 6.14 L 0.95 0.88 0.98

47 Na13 DLDA DVMC DVASP degree 17.59 53.50 15.23 L 1.12 0.75 1.01

48 DLDA DVASP degree 17.59 15.23 L 1.12 1.01

49 – opium pseudopotentials
QMC calculation of Cu13 and Au13 clusters – opium pseudopotentials Cluseter θ L LDA PBE C20 58.49 22.59 1.189 0.312 B18 72.73 21.11 0.592 0.596 B20 57.64 16.01 0.639 0.691 Al13 3.21 0.44 0.844 0.845 Al55 1.51 0.722 0.788 Cu13 16.79 8.32 0.996 0.908 Au13 22.75 6.14 0.663 0.755


51 DFT (PBE) is reliable in predicting
the relative energy of metallic clusters

52 Which Au38 is a more stable structure?
Efcc= eV (LDA) EO_h= eV (X) Efcc= eV (PBE) EO_h= eV Efcc= eV (PW91) EO_h= eV Hollow Au38 is more stable! Ab-Initio Simulation Lab. Institute of Atomic & Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

53 C10 : 2D PES D5h D10h D(E) = 0.079 eV CASTEP – LDA
= (20) eV DMC (DFT geometry) 6-311+g = eV B3LYP cc-pVDZ = eV B3LYP cc-pVTZ = eV B3LYP cc-pVQZ = eV B3LYP How about Quantum Chemistry Methods: HF, MP2, MP4, CCSD(T)?

54 High level methods are more important than increasing local basis sets!

55 DFT with XCs are better than HF, MP2 and MP4

56 Single graphene Metal atom adsorbed on Graphene Will DFT with different ExCs give a consistent and correct adsorption energy?

57 LDA & PBE predict an over-binding effect
Single graphene B C Si Al LDA & PBE predict an over-binding effect (The results using periodic 4x4 unit cell is the same…)

58 Pt(111) surface Times Cited: 222 (July 1, 2009)

59 All different kinds of DFT results : But Experimental result :
Pt(111) surface All different kinds of DFT results : FCC site But Experimental result : Atop site [ref] Blackman, G. S. et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1988, 61, 2352

60 Pt(111) surface

61 Diffusion Monte Carlo predicts a correct adsorption site
Pt(111) surface DMC result : atop site Ead (fcc) = eV Ead (atop) = eV Diffusion Monte Carlo predicts a correct adsorption site and adsorption energy

62 Summary and Conclusion
DFT is a very powerful tool to study the nanostructure systems with a few hundred atoms and/or thousand electrons. However, it is perhaps about time to do more Quantum Monte-Carlo in real material systems Ab-Initio Simulation Lab. Institute of Atomic & Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

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