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Survey of the Old Testament

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1 Survey of the Old Testament
Chapter 12 Judges

2 The Writing of the Book Traditionally ascribed to Samuel
Contemporary narratives later collected by a redactor Photo: Abimelech "went to his father's home in Ophrah and on one stone murdered his seventy brothers" (Judg. 9:5). Standing stones, like these from Gezer, were used in ancient Israel for a variety or purposes; they were often designated sacred space and thus became the site for rituals.

3 The Background Chronology The Historical Background
Little attention to international events Late Bronze Age II The Sea Peoples/Philistines Cultural Background Canaan ruled by independent city-states Map: The Judges of Israel (Zondervan Atlas of the Bible)

4 Purpose and Message Explores theological and political consequences of Israel's covenant violation Demonstrates the need for a king over Israel Photo: This Babylonian seal depicts the hero Gilgamesh kneeling with an outstretched lion above his head. Lions were dangerous foes, and one who defeated a lion was considered great. The Israelite judge Samson killed a lion with his bare hands (Judg. 14:6).

5 Structure and Organization
Failure of Israel to remove the Canaanites Israel does not fully posses or control the land Cycles of apostasy: sin, punishment, repentance, and deliverance Six cycles (chapters 3-16)

6 Major Themes The Nature of Charismatic Leadership
The Spirit of the Lord Israel's Apostasy

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