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Registration of macaque to human cortex using a standard set of landmarks likely to reflect homologies across species and additional landmarks derived.

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Presentation on theme: "Registration of macaque to human cortex using a standard set of landmarks likely to reflect homologies across species and additional landmarks derived."— Presentation transcript:

1 Registration of macaque to human cortex using a standard set of landmarks likely to reflect homologies across species and additional landmarks derived from shape-sensitive regions. Registration of macaque to human cortex using a standard set of landmarks likely to reflect homologies across species and additional landmarks derived from shape-sensitive regions. A, B, Landmarks displayed on right hemisphere of monkey (A) and human (B). C, Shape-specific activation on the macaque atlas map, with boundaries of selected visual areas from the Lewis and Van Essen (2000) scheme superimposed. D, Shape-specific activation on the human atlas map, with boundaries of selected visual areas from Hadjikhani et al. (1998) and Tootell and Hadjikhani (2001). E, Shape-specific macaque activations after deformation to the human flat map using standard landmarks, with boundaries of selected human visual areas superimposed. Arrows 1-4 indicate fMRI activations that are not in register between the human and deformed macaque maps. F, Same as in E; shape-specific macaque activations after deformation to the human flat map using standard and additional landmarks. In A and B, landmarks include areas V1, V2, MT (posterior and anterior borders), A1 (posterior-lateral border of primary auditory cortex), boundary between areas 3 and 4 along the fundus of the central sulcus, medial and lateral borders of the hippocampal complex (HC), FEF, olfactory/gustatory cortex (Olf./Gust.), orbital sulcus (Orb S.), and posterior and anterior boundaries along the corpus callosum (CC-post., CC-ant.). In D-F, the region identified as LOC/LOP by Tootell and Hadjikhani (2000) has been labeled LOS (see Results). Data sets are accessible for visualization or downloading via = (human colin atlas) and = (macaque F99UA1 atlas). Katrien Denys et al. J. Neurosci. 2004;24: ©2004 by Society for Neuroscience

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