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Paint with Purpose Party

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1 Paint with Purpose Party
St. Joseph Friends in Faith Presents Paint with Purpose Party FRI. SEPT. 13th, 2019 Noll Hall, 7:00 PM COST: $30.00 Don’t even think, much less say, “I can’t paint,” or “I’m not creative.” This event will blow away all of those false perceptions! Guided by professional artist Sarah Hellmann, you will create a beautiful painting to proudly display in your home or give to a loved one. We’ll have wine and cheese on hand to make the experience even more enjoyable. Seriously, you’ll be amazed by the talent you didn’t know you had! But the greatest part of this event is that all proceeds go directly to Art for All People, a charitable organization that brings the art making process to marginalized people in our community to help them deal with pain, addiction and loss. ( Cost is $30.00 to cover art supplies, food and drinks and to support Art for All People. Pay at the door. RSVP is required by Sep. 10th to Ruthie Bessler at or call If you can’t commit in advance but are able to come that night, all are welcome to join the fun, even if you’re unable to paint. A lesser cash donation will be collected at the door. Friends in Faith is a group whose mission is to create closer connections among the women of St. Joes, so that we can help each other, enrich our parish and serve our community through our shared faith. (No strings attached.)

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