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Place HW on your desk then silently read and complete our DO NOW

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Presentation on theme: "Place HW on your desk then silently read and complete our DO NOW"— Presentation transcript:

1 Place HW on your desk then silently read and complete our DO NOW
9/30/ Statistics Mr. DeOms Place HW on your desk then silently read and complete our DO NOW Data Displays SWBAT analyze and create various data displays. SWBAT build community and understanding by sharing images of self.

2 a. The underlined 1 means that the median number of grams of sugar in a serving of 109 breakfast cereals is: _______ b. How would you find the mean? (Do not actually find, just explain how you would find it) c. What is the range? ________ d. How many of the 109 cereals have 15 or more grams of sugar? What percent of the cereals is this? e. How many cereals are below 5 grams? What percent of the cereals is this?

3 Create your own: Use the data set below to create a stem and leaf plot:
The data shows the number of text messages sent by each student in Mr. DeOms’s stats class after school on Monday. Find the median and underline in the stem and leaf plot b. Find the range



6 Who would like to share their license plate with the class?

7 Frequency Distributions
W - Data Displays F - Box and Whiskers T – Quiz HW.13 Due Th - Standard Deviation T - Z-Scores Th - Excel Skills M – Review HW.17 Due W - Unit 2 Test


9 Sit and work with one partner One laptop per team
(30 min) Sit and work with one partner One laptop per team Use LINKS document from website to help review any data displays as needed

10 http://www. pcadvisor. co

11 Work quietly with a partner
(15 min) Homework Work Time Work quietly with a partner on our HW.13 problem set

12 Clear your desk to complete our Histograms exit ticket

13 Homework Due Friday: Test Corrections Due Tuesday: Stats.13.Homework

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