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Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena, Gusau, Nigeria.

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Presentation on theme: "Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena, Gusau, Nigeria."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena, Gusau, Nigeria.

2 Our Mission To be a Christian presence in the Muslim Dominated North of Nigeria. To support the Spiritually, Morally and Economically deprived Women, Youth and Children through our apostolate in Education, Evangelization, Health Care, Inter-faith Dialogue and Rural Development.

3 Education Ministry



6 Boko haram terrorists: killed over 250,000
People in the North East alone

7 Many rural Villages have been destroyed and deserted

8 Chibok Girls

9 April 30, 2019 attack, an eye witness report said the terrorists “went from house to house, and many people could not escape because the shooting was sustained for several hours and it came from every direction, I lost five relations in the attack”

10 Fulani herdsmen


12 Some of the consequences of the violence
Insecurity and tension Destruction of agricultural sector High rate of poverty High rate of crime e.g sexual abuse of girls and women in IPD camps High rate of migration from the rural villages. High rate of School drop out





17 Ministry to IDPs



20 More Vocations



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