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Shadow Puppets.

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1 Shadow Puppets

2 HandShadows Shadows upon the wall became something of an art form in the antebellum years. Henry Bursill produced a multitude of illustrations of hand positions which formed intriguing and wondrous pictures of animals and people for the entertainment of adults and children alike. In a reprint of the work Hand Shadows by Bursill, there are eighteen different delights of this art form which can truly be said to be made by hand, and another sixteen in his work More Hand Shadows. The equipment required is minimal: a pair of hands, a light source, a dark room, a surface upon which the shadows may fall, and an imagination.

3 Camel

4 The Goose a Prisoner

5 Deer

6 Grandpa

7 Bunny

8 A Bird in Flight

9 Goat

10 Toby Dog

11 An Elephant

12 Greyhound

13 Pig

14 Brun

15 A Portrait

16 Old Growler

17 Fright

18 Tortoise

19 Boy

20 Head of a Camel

21 Credits

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