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Y13 Class Lessons 2017 Homeostasis.

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1 Y13 Class Lessons 2017 Homeostasis

2 Thursday 2 February An introduction to Homeostasis
SLO: Define homeostasis and use an example to illustrate the big ideas. What is homeostasis? Work through example: Calcium in the body Feedback loops: key terms Feedback loops: toilet cistern example and questions Examples of human feedback loops Homework and keywords

3 Friday 3 February The homeostatic response to exercise
SLO: Describe the homeostatic response to exercise. Homework: Set point, hyper and hypo Feedback loops: key terms Feedback loops: toilet cistern example and questions Taking body measurements/exercise Homework: keywords + Use one of the hyper/hypo systems to draw a feedback loop using the correct terminology.

4 Tuesday 7 February Human feedback loops
SLO: Explain the role of negative feedback in homeostatic responses. Homework – sharing examples. Exercise – finish collecting results/meaning. Examples of human feedback loops. Questions on human feedback loops. Textbook - Read pgs and complete ‘Test your basics’. Homework – For the week, work through workbook pgs

5 Thursday 9 February The role of negative feedback in homeostatic responses
SLO: Explain the role of negative feedback in homeostatic responses. Homeostasis ppt – re-cap so far. What exactly is negative feedback? Definition and example. What’s the difference between positive and negative feedback loops? Control systems. Drawing basic negative feedback loops – peer assessed. Homework – keep working through workbook and revise keywords.

6 Friday 10 February The role of negative feedback – The Nervous System
SLO: Explain the role of negative feedback in homeostatic responses. Watch ‘Homeostatic loops’ – re-cap. ‘Nervous communication’ ppt and notes. ‘Cold water survival’ – video. Think-pair-share an example of a homeostatic response controlled by the nervous system. Homework – keywords + write a description of a neural-based feedback system using as many as today’s new keywords as you can.

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