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Natural Capital: The national context

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1 Natural Capital: The national context
Guy Thompson Natural England Chief Operating Officer Need to edit the title- ask Paul Walton

2 What has nature ever done for us?
Establish the principle we get many benefits from the environment. Carbon sinks Pollination Food Energy Timber Aesthetic Education Climate regulation Etc.

3 The Natural Capital Committee
Too often natural capital is an afterthought, left out of the core of economic considerations. Without an economic price, it has too often been assumed to be of zero value. The Natural Environment White Paper is particularly important- created the Natural Capital Committee.- who then created the state of natural capital report The Natural Capital Committee (NCC) is an independent advisory committee. It provides advice to the government on the sustainable use of natural capital and is informing the 25 year plan… Additional info: The NCC published 3 state of natural capital reports which framed their advice to gmnt through a series of recommendations, also has been heavily involved in developing natural capital accounting, both nationally and in corporate terms in order to incorporate the value of the natural environment into decision making Report 1 = towards a framework for measurement and valuation This report sets out a framework of how the committee will help to make sure natural capital is included in economic decision making. It also highlights work the committee will be doing so that we can better understand which of our natural assets are critical to our wellbeing. Report 2 – restoring our natural assets This report sets out what the committee’s achieved so far and makes recommendations to government on what needs to be done. It also sets the work programme for the next year. Report 3 – protecting and improving natural capital for prosperity and wellbeing The report sets out recommendations to achieve government’s vision, ‘to be the first generation to leave the natural environment in a better state than it inherited’. The second term of the committee runs from 2016 to Professor Dieter Helm continues to chair the committee, which will focus primarily on helping the government develop its 25 year environment plan. Dieter Helm, Chair of the Natural Capital Committee

4 Natural England’s Conservation Strategy
C21 aims to reconnect people with their environment; restore and recover ecosystems; and have a thriving economy with a rich and resilient natural environment that is integral to everyday life, rather than fenced-off from it. Explain how the national policy drivers are being implemented into Natural England’s role. In order to reverse biodiversity loss, sustain distinctive landscapes and enhance engagement with nature, we need a new approach. We need an approach that fits within the context of constrained public sector funding, and uses the post EU Referendum opportunities we now have to shape a path that will work best in our country. We will use our strategy to encourage a new conversation with partners. In a time of changed expectations about the role of the state and reduced public finances, we want to explore how we can work better together, to understand where further thinking and innovation is required, what long term policy and legislative framework is needed to underpin our work, and where there are opportunities to put better ways of working into practice.

5 The Green Halo The Green Halo will encourage development of projects that recognise the value of the natural environment and use this to deliver nature’s benefits. Cross boundary working. New ways of working. An opportunity to lead the country in turning policy into practice. There is a lot of theory of there, this needs to be put into practice. The Green Halo partnership will help create the vision to deliver this. Not restricted by traditional administrative boundaries or the ‘usual suspects’- third/public/private sector engagement The Green Halo Partnership represents an opportunity to work in new ways, and potentially with new partners – in doing so, it provides an opportunity both to boost our local stock of natural capital, and to lead the way in turning policy into practice. Natural England will be committed and proud to work with the green halo to help achieve a new way of working.

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