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Dynamics of Electron Vortices

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1 Dynamics of Electron Vortices
E. Westerhof FOM-Instituut voor Plasmafysica “Rijnhuizen” Postbus 1207, 3430 BE Nieuwegein, Netherlands In collaboration with: B.N. Kuvshinov, J. Rem, and T.J. Schep Workshop on Nonlinear Structures in Magnetized Plasmas, Tarusa, Kaluga Region, Russia, 6-9 September E. Westerhof

2 Topics 2D dipole vortex solutions in EMHD perpendicular propagation
oblique propagation numerical techniques stability properties dipole interactions conclusions Workshop on Nonlinear Structures in Magnetized Plasmas, Tarusa, Kaluga Region, Russia, 6-9 September E. Westerhof

3 2D Electron Magnetohydrodynamics
magnetic field representation: B = B0 ((1+b) ez + y  ez) generalised vorticity W = b - L de2 2b + kn x generalised flux Y = y - de2 2y evolution equations with inertial skin depth de = c/wpe with L = 1 + (wce / wpe)2 [f,g] = ez • (f  g) Workshop on Nonlinear Structures in Magnetized Plasmas, Tarusa, Kaluga Region, Russia, 6-9 September E. Westerhof

4 A numerical code for 2D EMHD
equilibrium flux: yeq = - by x double periodic boundary conditions standard pseudo-spectral for non-linear terms typically, 512  512 Fourier modes de-aliassed using 2/3 rule hyper-viscosity with n=3: hn(-2)n b,y Workshop on Nonlinear Structures in Magnetized Plasmas, Tarusa, Kaluga Region, Russia, 6-9 September E. Westerhof

5 Stationary propagating dipoles
Solutions of F = FF(b - uy x) W = FW(b - uy x) - F’F(b - uy x) using method described by Kuvshinov: f(x,y) = f(r) cos  internal to separatrix, r < rs: B1 = J1 (k2<0), I1(k2>0), external to separatrix, r > rs: B1 = K1(k2>0) Workshop on Nonlinear Structures in Magnetized Plasmas, Tarusa, Kaluga Region, Russia, 6-9 September E. Westerhof

6 Perpendicular propagation by = 0
external scale k12 = ke2 = (1+kn/uy)/L  uy<-kn; uy>0  = 0 in internal region identical to Larichev-Reznik modon of Charney-Hasegawa-Mima equation   0 in internal region superposition of two Larichev-Reznik modes  additional separatrix in ‘stream function’ b - uy x Workshop on Nonlinear Structures in Magnetized Plasmas, Tarusa, Kaluga Region, Russia, 6-9 September E. Westerhof

7   0, dipole with 2nd separatrix
Parameters: L = 1.8, kn = .002, uy = -.02, ke = 0.5 Workshop on Nonlinear Structures in Magnetized Plasmas, Tarusa, Kaluga Region, Russia, 6-9 September E. Westerhof

8 Evolution of dipole with 2nd separatrix: instability
t = 100 t = 200 contours of b - L2b, steps: .20 Workshop on Nonlinear Structures in Magnetized Plasmas, Tarusa, Kaluga Region, Russia, 6-9 September E. Westerhof

9 Oblique propagation by  0
External scales: conditions: ke2 > 0, and (1- ke)2 > by2  by2 /Luy2 no real k(e) solutions in incompressible, homo-geneous case (i.e. case of pure whistler modes) extension of Larichev-Reznik modons to by  0 consequently, dynamics is very similar to these Workshop on Nonlinear Structures in Magnetized Plasmas, Tarusa, Kaluga Region, Russia, 6-9 September E. Westerhof

10 uy > 0, tilt-stable dipole
P.M. Workshop on Nonlinear Structures in Magnetized Plasmas, Tarusa, Kaluga Region, Russia, 6-9 September E. Westerhof

11 uy < 0, tilt-unstable dipole
Parameters: L = 1.8; kn = .01 by = .0022; uy = -.02 orbit:diamonds show Dt =100 shown are contours of b - L2b steps: .05 Workshop on Nonlinear Structures in Magnetized Plasmas, Tarusa, Kaluga Region, Russia, 6-9 September E. Westerhof

12 Higher order dipoles with 2nd sep...
t = 0 L = 1.8; kn = .01; by = .0022; uy = .02 t = 80 contours of b - L2b, steps: .10 Workshop on Nonlinear Structures in Magnetized Plasmas, Tarusa, Kaluga Region, Russia, 6-9 September E. Westerhof

13 … with 2nd separatrix are unstable
t = 120 t = 200 Workshop on Nonlinear Structures in Magnetized Plasmas, Tarusa, Kaluga Region, Russia, 6-9 September E. Westerhof

14 Head-on dipole collisions
t = 0 L = 1.8; kn = .01; by = .0022; u1 = -.015; u2 = .02 t = 100 contours of b - L2b, steps: .05 Workshop on Nonlinear Structures in Magnetized Plasmas, Tarusa, Kaluga Region, Russia, 6-9 September E. Westerhof

15 … collisions appear ‘soliton-like’, ...
t = 400 t = 600 Workshop on Nonlinear Structures in Magnetized Plasmas, Tarusa, Kaluga Region, Russia, 6-9 September E. Westerhof

16 …‘soliton like’, but for [y,2y]
t = 700 t = 700 y - 2y, steps: .001 b - L2b, steps: .10 Workshop on Nonlinear Structures in Magnetized Plasmas, Tarusa, Kaluga Region, Russia, 6-9 September E. Westerhof

17 Summary and Conclusion
2D EMHD stationary propagating dipoles by = 0: solutions with finite y perturbation have additional separatrix and are unstable by  0: extensions of Larichev-Reznik modon with behaviour that is very similar to the latter dominant effect in dynamics is ‘vorticity’ transport, with weak effect of [y,2y] term (except 0 ‹ uy « kn) double separatrices (‘vorticity shields’) unstable in all cases Workshop on Nonlinear Structures in Magnetized Plasmas, Tarusa, Kaluga Region, Russia, 6-9 September E. Westerhof

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